Chapter 2

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~ Present day~

Abigail yawned, and reached out to shut off her alarm clock. Summer vacation was over and it was the first day of eight grade. 

She washed her face sleepily and got dressed into her school uniform. Walking downstairs to the kitchen, she greeted her mom and sat at the table. 

Her mom had made her favourite breakfast as it was the first day of school, pancakes with maple syrup. 

"Yum!" Abigail's eyes lit up.

"Eat up quickly, you don't want to be late for the first day of high school!"

Abigail finished her breakfast quickly and grabbed her school bag, heading out the door.

"Bye mom!"

"Bye Abby! Have a good day!"

"You too!"

Abigail walked to the bus stop, revelling in the bright sunshine. It was a beautiful day.

She climbed onto the bus and chose two empty seats. Looking out of the window, she relaxed and waited.

Two stops later, Adeline slipped into the seat next to her.

"So excited! I can't wait to find out which teacher we'll have, which class we'll be in-"

 Abigail couldn't help smiling.

 "We still don't know if we are in the same class, so don't get your hopes up too high yet."

Adeline pouted. "It wouldn't hurt to be positive for once, Abby."

Abigail chuckled.

They had reached school half an hour early, as usual.

Their classmates started pouring into their class slowly and soon it was full and noisy, 50 people talking at once, discussing their vacation, which class they might be in, and practically everything under the sun.

Suddenly a bell rang, and a girl from year 9 appeared. "Girls, the bell is your sign to go downstairs for morning assembly. Why are so many girls still here?"

The girls started filing out and Adeline whispered to Abigail, "Atleast some things remain the same."

After morning assembly, the girls went back to their class. Their class teacher would then send them from there to their new classrooms.

Adeline squeezed Abigail's hand. "They better not separate us."

Their class teacher began calling out names, "Okay, these girls will be in section A. Anya, Abigail, Adeline,....

Abigail whisper screamed in joy and Adeline jumped up happily. Grabbing their bags, they went to their new classroom.

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