Chapter 19

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Adeline looked up in surprise when she heard Abigail and Danielle laughing loudly while entering the classroom.

After Abigail had settled into her seat, she went up to her and sneered in her face.

"Shameless, aren't you?"

Danielle overheard and glanced at her in annoyance.

"You're being kind of rude"

They both turned to look at her, Abigail in astonishment and Adeline in disgust.

"Mind your own business, bitch"

Adeline walked off.

Danielle raised her eyebrows.

"She's very polite"

Abigail didn't say anything.

She was too stunned at Adeline's behaviour.

Adeline had never tried swearing.


Until today.

She couldn't believe her best friend was betraying her like this. She knew that she was being a hypocrite, but she had always bottled up everything inside and it was all starting to come out.

All she wanted was for Abigail to hug her and ask her what was wrong, but Adeline had hurt her again today and she wasn't sure when Abigail would speak to her again.

She hit her head on the wall. 

Why did she somehow mess things up?

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