Prologue: Soon.

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Papa Emeritus IV was sick.

Imperator sighed and glanced over at him. "Still have that cold?"

"Eh... I'm not sure it's just a cold, Sister," Copia chuckled. "Can we uhm... go to a doctor?"

"I'm sorry, C. But we have to do this concert. You know how important it is!"

Copia frowned but sighed and shook it off. "I know, Sister."

"Here, we'll give you..." Sister Imperator walked off and returned with a medicine bottle, walking over to Copia, who was sitting on the couch. She kneeled to his side. "...some medicine," she hummed.

Copia groaned but nodded. "Yes, Sister," he grimaced at the immediate smell of medicine. He never liked the smell of medicine, especially after his brothers died. He just wished it was one of them. He still remembered the way they'd scold him for getting sick. It was never his fault! It always had to do with a concert of sorts. He would always be in the backstage part.

He'd much rather have one of his brothers lecturing him about this than his not-even mother. He groaned, taking the medicine anyway. This sucked. He'd much rather be dead right now. With his pounding headache? Oh well. The meds should help.

The medication did help. Slightly. He still sort of had a headache, but he could pull through today and tomorrow. He prepared himself, getting ready backstage, and waited.

And finally, after both rituals were over, Copia dropped on his hotel bed, a coughing fit attacking his chest and lungs. After it was finally over, he groaned into his pillow. Hell was the appropriate word. He took a shaky breath, taking off his gloves. As he did this, he noticed rosy rings spotted in different places along his skin. He furrowed his eyebrows. This was peculiar. His legs felt weak, yet he managed to stand and remove his clothes. The Papa looked into the mirror. His body was covered in rosy circles. Breath hitching, he called for Imperator.

"Sister!" He called, voice hoarse. He slipped on clothes, his body shivering. What was this? The bubonic plague died out, there was no way it was that. But it seemed so similar. He needed to stop overthinking. It wasn't that, there was no way. His whole body ached terribly. He took yet another shaky breath, nearly passing out as he collapsed on his bed.

"What is it, C-" She gasped as soon as she entered the room. "C?" she echoed. "What happened? Why do you look so.. red?"

Copia's head slowly turned upward, eyes flickering with sadness and concern. "It hurts." Some spots were turning different colors. He looked like hell. He felt like hell. In the bad way. He hated this. Despised it, even. His whole body shivered. He was cold. But physically, he was hot. His lungs felt like they were purposefully burning and crushing his body. "It feels like I'm gonna die,"

Imperator shivered at the words.

The night before, Sister had a vision. This was unnatural. She had shaken it off, thinking it wasn't true, but hadn't forgotten about it. "I didn't expect it so soon..." she muttered.

Copia didn't seem to notice what she said. Which was peculiar, because he usually notices everything. Imperator looked up at him. "How much time have you spent with your rats?"

Copia pursed his lips. "A lot... I was stressed," he muttered. Once he realized he could barely hear himself, he almost burst out crying. "I can't... hear..." he muttered, breath picking up. It caught in his throat, and yet another coughing fit started up.

Imperator furrowed her brow. This was bound to happen. She knew everyone who went to those rituals for sure had it. The Sister sighed. "We're calling off further rituals,"


Sister Imperator nearly jumped. Her eyes widened, brow furrowing.

You are immune for now. There is someone else immune. Copia will be able to finish up further rituals. Once done, it will be spread so far they won't be able to stop it.

A voice in her head. It sounded malicious.


Give him 13 rosemary petals. He will be able to survive until you finish up these last ones.

Imperator couldn't ignore it. Her limbs moved without thinking. She returned with exactly what he asked.

Copia looked up at her and raised his eyebrow. "What...what's this?..." he cleared his throat.

"Eat them,"

Copia gave Imperator a look.

"Just do it," she narrowed her eyes.

Copia was reluctant, but obeyed. He ate them all.

"Should take effect in about an hour," she told him. "For now, rest."

Copia nodded and lay in his bed as Sister Imperator exited the room.

That night, the former cardinal had a dream. Like any other, of course. But this was different. A dream of red skies, dark clouds, rats and rodents scurrying around. And a beauty of a man sitting on a throne, his passed brothers lined along before the man, and himself as well. Then, the man spoke. His voice was like you dragged your food along gravel, the sound echoing in his mind.


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