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It all started in one room in the morning where one figure was sleeping on one bed as if he had been killed until he was woken up by the loud sound of the alarm clock. The hand reached out to silence the alarm clock, but it didn't hit the bell either the first or the second time, so the hand turned into a fist and hit the alarm clock, allowing it to be silenced.

The quilt was pulled back and revealed a 14-year-old boy who was getting out of bed. When he he was on his feet, he took on his slippers and went to the bathroom to wash his face, brush his teeth and put on some clean clothes.

Once he was dressed he looked around his room to admire his World of Warcraft posters as well as figurines such as the Lich king, Gul'Dan, Anduin Wrynn, Varian Wrynn, Jaina Proudmoore, Sylvanas Windrunner and a few more. He gave it one more look before left his room.

Y/N was walking down the stairs towards kitchen meeting his father ho was making breakfast

Y/N: Hi dad.

father: Oh, Y/N hi. How was your sleep?

Y/N: Fine... I guess.

Y/N then sat to the chair waiting for his breakfast. A few minuts later the breakfast was ready and the father place them on the table. There was unconfortable silince betwen them as Y/N decide to break it.

Y/N: So... how's your job?

Father: Same as usual, lot of
paperwork, interviews and case's. Nothing new. And I'm going to be home late tonight.

Y/N: Again?

Father: Yeah, again.

Y/N release a long sigh of disappointed because he was hoping that he and his father will spend a day together but maybe he wished too much. He been like this two months, alone in this house, alone of awerything.

Since his mother died it was dificuld for them, mostly for his father. When she died he became more seperated for his son, seperated from awerybody and he didn't realize that Y/N was suffering from it. He didn't realize that Y/N need his father but today Y/N had enough, today he will tell him what is on his heart.

Y/N: I can't do this any more.

Father: What do you mean.


Y/N shouted slaming his hands on the table. When he realize what he done he try calm down a bit and trying to keep a cool head.

Y/N: You've been like this two months dad, two months! And I... I can't anymore.

Father: What are you talking about?

Y/N: About THIS what you do! You only show up at night and you not even talking to me. As... as if you are not even here.

His father touche his bridge nose with two fingers and release long sigh.

Father: Y/N we talked about this.

Y/N: I know I just... don't know why are you avoiding me.

Father: I'm not avoiding you I just... (sigh) look, it's been a lot for me lately an we don't look like it, but we are not doing well right now, so I would appreciate it if you could at least help a little BY BEING QUIET!!

Y/N:...Is this becouse me huh? So that's how this is?

Father: Y/N stop!

Y/N: If mom was still alive you would be-


The whole kitchen fell silent at the raised voice his father let out. Y/N glared at him for a moment before looking down tears beginning to appear to his eyes. when his father realized what he had done, he was consumed by the guilt of not realizing that he had slapt his own son.

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