Chapter 2

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Sylvanas woke up in a strange place that resembled a forest, but this forest was different, it looked sick as if life was disappearing from it.

The air of that forest was impure as if she were breathing the smell of a decomposing corpse. She didn't even hear the chirping of birds or any other animal.

Sylvanas got up from the ground and looked around trying to find her allies but they were nowhere to be found, she was all alone, alone in this dying forest. Many questions ran through her head.

Where am I? how did she get here? where are the others? but she knew well that if she just stood there, nothing would be answered.

So she went to find the exit of the forest. She didn't know how far she got or walked, she was honestly starting to think that the cursed forest had no end, it was suddenly when she heard a sound in the bushes behind her. She prepared her bow and arrow and slowly approached the bush.

When she was close, a furious animal suddenly jumped out of the bushes, at least she thought it was some kind of animal. According to the appearance, it was like an opossum, but bigger and looked terrible.

Her eyes glowed dark red, her gray fur was covered in dirt and blood, her pointed and sharp teeth were covered in fresh flesh and bones.

​It was clear to her that she was just eating her victim and she interrupted her. Sylvanas took a shooting stance and was ready to fire. The opossum lunged at Sylvanas at full speed, but Sylvanas expected it.

She jumped up and shot an arrow in the air straight into the opossum's back. Sylvanas landed on a tree branch and shot three arrows at the possum. The opossum screamed in pain.

The opossum snarled at her so furiously that her eyes began to glow. She probably just pissed her off. The opossum suddenly began scraping the ground with its claws at full speed until it completely sank into the ground. Sylvanas wondered what that meant, but suddenly she realized what the opossum was trying to do.

But when she realized that, the opossum dived from the ground directly behind Sylvanas and was ready to bite her neck. Luckily, Sylvanas jumped in time and landed on her back.

She did not expect this creature to be so fast and also intelligent. The opossum readied herself for another attack and lunged at Sylvanas.

But before the opossum could take a bite. Sylvanas turned into mist, appeared behind the possum and stabbed it directly in the head with her dagger. 

When she was ready to leave, she suddenly saw something that caught her attention. It was in the bushes where the opossum was eating.

She approached the bushes and the first thing she saw was a trail of blood and bones and even a skull. But the skull was quite small. Out of curiosity, she picked up the skull and examined it to find out which victim it was.

But she suddenly stopped when she found out that it was a child's skull.  Very young, she would guess twelve years old, maybe more. Sylvanas places that skull gently on the ground.

No child deserves such a death.

She thought. Suddenly she saw something that caught her attention. It was a small shiny ring with sapphires on top. Sylvanas wondered where he got it, but she couldn't get an answer, she really didn't know what to do with the ring.

He must have had some kind of family, and maybe they don't even know he's dead, but anyway, what does that matter, she doesn't have time for such things , she has to find a way out, but if she thinks about it, the ring could be useful.

So she took the ring, got up and continued on her way. It took several hours before she found the cliff and finally had a clear view of where she is. But what she saw shocked her. 

The sky was dark and had a dark green color as if its natural color had died. It reminded her of the day when the Horde and the Alliance united against the Burning Legions.

It was hard and dark times but in the end they won with a high price. What took her attention the most were the planets that were so close that they were visible and almost covered the entire sky.

 What took her attention the most were the planets that were so close that they were visible and almost covered the entire sky

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Sylvanas wondered where the hell she was and how she would get back. In her head, she tries to figure out how she could have gotten there, but then it occurred to her. The grimoire.

The last thing she remembered was that the grimoire started to glow. That's all she remembered. We see that the grimoire must have moved her somewhere, but why only her? she wondered.

But the real question was how she would get back, but she couldn't think about that now. First she has to find a place to stay and then figure out how to get there. Suddenly her eyes spot city not far from the forest.

 She was relieved to at least see the end of the cursed and dying forest. She guessed that the journey there would take maybe forty-five minutes, so she didn't waste time and went to those buildings.


Some time later, Sylvanas was still walking towards the place that looked like a city, but she couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her, so she was ready for another possible attack, but it didn't come. With each step Sylvanas was getting closer and closer to that city.

Of course, she didn't expect any kind of welcome, from afar it looked like the city was destroyed and probably deserted, and even if it wasn't, she was still a stranger, they would probably just stare at her and wonder what kind of stranger came to their city.

After a few minutes of walking, a ruined wall stood in her way, from which she had a small view of the city and it looked like a destroyed battlefield.

Everywhere she looked there were some broken machines, probably a month old, maybe more.

The atmosphere there was not much better than in the forest, everywhere as far as her eyes could see there were only ruins and the bones of former citizens. 

In every alley where she looked, there was either one or more corpses or some kind of machine that she had never seen, even in some she saw how the flame engulfed them.

When she was walking among the ruins, she suddenly saw someone in front of her, there was smoke, so she didn't know who it could be. 

But when the person turned to her and Sylvanas saw those bright red eyes, she realized that he was not friendly. 

As soon as the person saw her, he started shooting at her. At that moment, someone pulled her out of the way to the cover.

 Sylvanas looked at her savior and it turned out to be a boy with dirty, somewhat torn clothes, a cap, a scarf around his face and some glasses. 

The boy put his finger to the place where his lips should be under the scarf, to indicate to her not to make any sound.

Meanwhile, the attacker kept shooting at them and getting closer until he ran out of bullets. While he was realouding, the boy carefully looked out of hiding and noticed that he was exactly where he wanted him.

So he pulled the lever, there was a sound, and suddenly the attacker was hanging upside down. The boy turned to her and said in a low voice. 

The boy: Come with me if you wanna live.

He started running and she followed him.

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