Chapter 3

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Sylvanas and the boy ran around the destroyed streets. Sylvanas didn't know where the boy was leading her, but she followed him, keeping an eye out for further attacks. The boy ran as fast as his lungs could and tried to find a hiding place as quickly as possible. But suddenly he stopped and looked from side to side, adrenaline and panic was starting to take over him when he heard the threatening sound of a scream. Sylvanas didn't take it as a big deal, but the boy knew well what it meant.

The boy: This way!

He screamed and started running. After a few minutes of running, the boy and Sylvanas came to a dead end. Sylvanas was starting to think that he got lost and didn't know where he was going, but the boy stepped in front of the wall and pulled something that looked like a door but well hidden. There was a creaking sound as the boy tried to open the secret door. Sylvanas saw how he was struggling with it and heard the noises getting closer, so she went to help him. The boy then stepped inside as Sylvanas closed the door.

​The boy : Keep your head down. Come on.

She did as he said while he looked around the room. The boy called out to Sylvanas to signal her to follow him. He moved the metal sheet and some things that hid the tunnel from the ground. The two of them went into that tunnel, the tunnel was long and definitely old, so it also smelled bad, but she didn't mind that much, she was used to it.

Sylvanas didn't know where it led, but the boy did. they walked through the tunnel for a while none of them said a word as the boy lit the torch. Not long after, it was discovered that the tunnel led to the canal, but the stench there was much worse. It stank so much that Sylvanas had to cover her nose.

Of course she was used to the stench, but this was a different level. Like there were decomposing corpses mixed with shit and other shitty things. She absolutely did not understand how the boy could breathe here.

The boy: Oh my god I am so stoked you are here you have no idea. So stoked I mean I saw you up there how are walking among the ruins and I thought to my self "no way" and then it was like " no way it's really her, It's defenetly her."

Sylvanas: Who are you ?

​The boy: Right sorry my bad, just hold on for a second.

The boy stoped and dropped the torch into the pool of water to reveal crocodiles. 

The boy: (mutaring) Okay where is.....Ha! There you are.

He picked up a plank, wich was leaning against the wall. Then he put it down to create brige. The boy calmly crossed the plank then signaling her to folow. She crossed the brige with out carring for the crocodiles. Soon they saw light coming in front of them as they see exit from the canal. As they reach the exit the boy the begins to return they conversation.

The boy: Anyway, I'm Y/N. 

Takes out a hand to hand shake, but it didn't come.

Y/N: Right, no touching.

Sylvanas: Where am I ?

Y/N: Right, you have lot's of question which I will answer just not here. It's not safe, follow me.

She began to follow him again but one thing was still in her mind.

Sylvanas: How do you know my?

Y/N: (nervous laught) I mean ho would know you, you have quite reputation back there. Come on this way .

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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