Chapter 2 (Tessa)

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We arrive at the theatre and after I finally find a parking spot, I grab Auden's hand and we all walk toward the entrance of the theatre.

"So, are you guys excited?" I ask, trying to lighten the mood.

"No..." Emery says angrily. "I was, until Dad ruined everything," she says as she kicks at a pine cone on the ground.

"Emery..." I scold.

"What? He doesn't care about us anymore, so why can't I be mad at him?"

"Try to give him a break. He just couldn't make it in time for tonight."

"I've heard that before." She rolls her eyes.

"I miss Dada," Auden says as he begins to get upset again.

I immediately stop walking and turn to look at my children. "Okay, nobody is going into that theatre until I see some smiles. It's Christmas Eve! I'm excited to watch you guys perform tonight and we shouldn't let your dad not being here ruin that for us."

"But, Mom..." Emery whines.

"End of discussion. Now let's get inside before they start without you."

When we finally make it inside, the building is buzzing with people chattering, Christmas music playing and children dressed in costumes running around.

"Okay, before you go back stage to get ready, I want a photo of you two in your costumes."

Emery rolls her eyes. "Do we have to?"

"Yes! Now Emery, you stand there and Auden, stand next to your sister."

As Emery stands looking bored out of her mind, Auden cheerfully rushes to stand next to her.

"You guys look so adorable!" I squeal.

"Mom, do you have to embarrass us?"

"Well, excuse me for being proud of my children." I quickly take out my cell phone and snap a photo. "Okay, how about in this next one you both actually smile?"

"I don't feel like smiling," Emery says with a frown.

"Please? I want a nice photo of you two in your costumes so I can send it to grandma."

"Fine." Emery rolls her eyes before finally smiling.

"Okay, say 'candy cane!'"

"Candy cane!" Emery and Auden both yell in unison.

"Okay, one more! This time do something silly!"

Just as I'm about to take a photo, Emery's eyes go wide. "Dad! You came!" she screams before running off.

"Dada!" Auden shouts before joining her.

I quickly turn around to see Hardin standing in the middle of the busy theatre, with his luggage next to him, Emery hugging him tightly and Auden latched onto his leg. I squint my eyes, unsure if I'm really seeing him standing in front of me. "Hardin?" I ask in disbelief.

"What? Don't I get a hug from my beautiful wife?" he asks with a huge grin.

"I... uh..." I walk closer to him, until I'm standing only inches from him. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming home?"

"It's called a surprise, Theresa."

"You know I hate surprises."

"Even ones that bring your loving husband home in time for Christmas?"

"Well, I guess as far as surprises go, that's a pretty good one." I give him a tiny smile.

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