Chapter 5 (Hardin)

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As the movie credits roll, I look over and see my two children sleeping. "They didn't even watch the movie!" I gesture toward Emery and Auden. "Why did I have to?" I whine.

Tessa looks up at me. "You're just a big baby, aren't you?"

"Am not." I pout.

Tessa quietly laughs. "How about you put your son to bed?" she asks before waking Emery.

Emery yawns. "Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, Dad. I love you and thank you for making Christmas so wonderful." She gives us each a big hug.

"We love you, Em. Sweet dreams." Tessa smiles at Emery before she runs off. "I'm going to head to the bedroom." Tessa kisses my cheek and then gently kisses Auden's forehead.

I get up and carry a sleeping Auden to his bedroom, tuck him in and gently give him a kiss goodnight.

On the way to our bedroom, I quickly grab a nicely wrapped box from my desk drawer. When I finally walk into the bedroom, I place the box on the bed, but get distracted when I hear Tessa's gentle cries. "Tess? Are you okay?"

Tessa sniffles and then wipes at her eyes. "Mmm-hmm."

"Are you sure? You don't sound okay."

"I am. I'm just having a mom moment."

"A what?" I chuckle.

"I'm just putting the kids' cards in my memory box."

"Oh, yes, your memory box." I smile, knowing ninety percent of that box is occupied by things I gave to my beautiful girl. "That thing should be pretty full by now."

"I've had to upgrade it a few times." She smiles at me before placing the Christmas cards inside.

"So why exactly are you crying?"

"You know how I get. I always feel sad when a holiday is over, knowing the kids will be a year older the next time we celebrate."

"Come here, baby." I walk over and wrap my arms around Tessa, pulling her close to my body. "And Christmas isn't over yet," I whisper into her ear.

"What do you mean?"

"You still have to open your gift."

"What?" She pulls away from me. "You already gave me a gift." She shakes her wrist, making her bracelet sway from side to side.

"Then what's that over there?" I gesture toward the bed.

"Hardin, what are you up to?" She narrows her eyes at me and walks cautiously toward the bed. She picks up the box and shakes it. "I don't hear anything."

"You really take the fun out of surprises, Theresa. Just open the damn thing."

Tessa laughs and then undoes the ribbon on the box before lifting off the lid. I hear her gasp. "Hardin, is this your new book?!"

I smile at her and nod.

"The book you wouldn't tell me anything about?" She raises her eyebrow at me.

"That's the one." I chuckle. "That's the very first copy."

"Really? So what is with all the secrecy?"

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