Chapter 2: Meeting

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It was unseasonably warm that late November evening, so the little trio set off in their goat-drawn cart wearing only light jackets. Mcgucket sat up front holding the reins to Gompers the goat (they couldn't afford a horse) while Dipper and Mabel sat in back with their traveling supplies and the memory gun. Dipper was sunk into his book while Mabel busied herself with knitting.

After a while, her thoughts turned to her brother. Dipper was undeniably clever, and had taken after Uncle Fiddle in terms of invention. Not big ambitious things, just fun little toys and tools; like the lantern made with colored glass that they used for shadow puppets, or the wind blower they used to clear the yard of leaves, or best of all, the grappling hook he had made her for their birthday back in August (she had made him a special vest lined with inside pockets) And he was always eager to learn more, especially about the strange creatures that were said to live in the Gravity Falls woods.

"Do you think we'll see anything cool?" he asked when they got out supper, "Like gnomes or tree creatures?"

"Probly not." Fiddle answered in between bites of his sandwich, "This time of year, all them crazy critters are getting ready for their hibernanation.. hibation.. their winter sleep."

"Dang it!" Dipper flipped his head backwards. Fiddle chuckled. "But don't ya'll worry. We'll see plenty of fun stuff on our trip."

They continued on in relative peace. Not much happening. After a point, Uncle Fiddle started singing a song he was fond of. All three of them loved music, although none of them were very good at it.

He sang out:

"Someone to care for, to be there for, I have"-

"Us two." They responded.

"Someone to do for, muddle through for, I have"-

"Us two."

"It seems, we three get along so famously cause-

You two, have me, and I have you two tooooOOOO! OOF!"

They all jerked forward as the cart came to an abrupt stop.

'What in tarnation?" Mcgucket grumbled as he looked over the side. It seemed that Gompers had accidentally wandered off-road into a ditch. The goat, apparently unhurt, was happily munching on some ivy.

"What now?" Asked Mabel. Mcgucket scratched his head; "Well we're too far from town, and the fair is still a ways' away." He peered in the distance. This area was unfamiliar to him and he'd heard stories about travelers getting lost or being attacked. Still, it wouldn't hurt to check.

"You two wait here." He said, unhitching Gompers and climbing on top him, "I'm gonna go look fer help."


Mcgucket rode through the woods on Gompers, trying to keep calm. Nothing looked familiar and it was starting to get dark. It wouldn't be long until the sun set and then they would all be in big trouble.

  Suddenly he heard howling and turned to see a wolf among the distant trees.

"Huh." He squinted. Is that wolf tiny, or just in perspective?" The wolf growled and ran towards him. "Ahh! Perspective!" he panicked and urged Gompers to go faster.

  Other pack members soon joined the wolf. They had had a lean Autumn and were eager for fresh meat. Many times they were nearly upon the old man but each time he managed to drive them off. Once he even twisted around in his seat to kick off a wolf that was snapping at Gompers' tail.

  The chase lead them this way and that, until an especially sharp turn caused Mcgucket to fall off his mount and tumble to the ground. Gompers kept running, the wolves hot on his hooves.

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