Dalilah's debut pt.5

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As Dalilah continued her prank, she took it to another level. "Jaheim, maybe I should be with Maurice. He knows how to handle a joke."

The words hung in the air, a painful twist to an already tense situation. Dalilah headed upstairs, the weight of her jest hitting Jaheim like a ton of bricks. Panic set in, and he stumbled after her, desperate to salvage what was left.

"Dalilah, wait! Don't do this!" Jaheim pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion.

She tossed a few clothes into a bag, unmoved. "Jaheim, we've been at each other's throats since day one. Maybe this ain't meant to be."

Jaheim, now frustrated and on the verge of breaking down, tried to reason, "Babe, we just need time. We barely know each other. We can figure this out."

Dalilah shot back, "And that's the problem, Jaheim. We're already fighting, and it's been what, a few months? Imagine what years would be like."

Jaheim, realizing the gravity of the situation, fell to his knees, desperate. "I don't care about time, Dalilah. I care about you. I'm willing to do whatever it takes. Just stay."

Dalilah looked torn but stood her ground. "Jaheim, love ain't supposed to be this hard. Maybe we're just not right for each other."

His heart sank, but he refused to give up. "Please, Dalilah. I'll change, I'll do anything. Just give us a chance."

She hesitated, the room filled with the weight of their emotions. "Jaheim, I need space. I need to figure things out."

As she walked away, Jaheim felt the ground slipping beneath him. He didn't know what to do, but one thing was clear – he was willing to do anything to make her stay.

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