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"So...you're like a god?"

"God, I love you, but you're such a dipshit"
-Emails I cant send

She hated the idea of going to the grand canyon her worst fear in the world? Heights, but of course her school took them on a week long field trip and after and long fight with her mom about not wanted to go and to go home over spring break there she was on a bus filled with annoying kids sitting next to leo valdez, who was leaning over the seat talking to piper mclean. "leo sit down" a mans voice yelled from the front of the bus "Come on Coach" she interrupted him

"Leo please don't start stuff"

he did, "thats so lame I mean let me talk to my friends hes just jealous because he doesn't have any" he said wrapping his hands around his chest "oh yeah throw a fit real manly" She said poking her elbow into his side "Oh yeah what about the other day when you cried over spilling your milkshake "Hey that's something a girl can be sad over" Piper Butted in leaning over the seat now "Piper can do it but if I do its get down leo" Leo said looking over the seat. Piper and Kassia laughed.
"Jasons still asleep" She said looking her brown messy cut haired friend "Yeah i think" Piper replied "Or he's dead" That joke landed with piper smacking Leo on top of the head. "Ow for a girl you hit hard" Leo said looking at Kasia, he knew she hated when people said "for a girl" she glared at him before rolling eyes eyes "Shut up idiot" she said her voice easing into a joking tone. She looked through the seat and saw the blonde boy slowly get up. "see not dead" She said smiling at Leo "Who are you"


Well that was weird her friend woke up and had no idea who she was let alone who his girlfriend was, he eventually snapped out of it right before the got to the Grand Canyon since then Leo has basically lead the way as the group followed. She has known Leo since the middle of their freshman year when Leo joined her class at the wilderness school in Nevada they wear sophomores now and piper had joined there friend group not to long ago, her and piper where close they had both put in roommate transfers a week after meeting each other, "Earth to Kasia" She heard her thoughts being yanked out of her head replaced with pipers face, "Sorry zoned out" Kasia said laughing off the embarrassment. "its time" Leo said just then Kasia had realized where they were "Oh hell no" She said moving to the exit they where looking over the canyon.

"Language" She heard "Sorry" As soon as she said that wind wiped the air causing her ears to ring, she hit the ground and saw Dylan Aka the most annoying man you will ever meet in the air a storm crashing down from the sky "Your a wind spirt" She heard Jason yell and she grabbed the railing and stood up. "Yes, I am" Dylan said a mix a yells and screams followed that Kasia didnt hear her ears ringing, the only difference is they ringing sounded like screams, she heard people crying, her hands going to her ears. The screaming was getting worst as she saw piper fall off the side of the cliff her heart stopped, seconds later Jason followed. The ringing in her ears only getting worse she couldn't breathe her vision got foggy she could see jason and pipers silhouettes in the sky jason holding piper as he walked on air, Dylan was gone as quick as that a group of kids walked off of a airship. "Kasia are you okay" Leo ran up to her his hands taking hers off her ears, the ringing was slowing disappearing, a blonde girl moving toward them "Hi, i'm Annabeth chase"


The blonde girl explained that the four of them were demigods children of greek gods or goddess and that Coach Hedge was placed to protect them. "Well he obviously didn't do a very good job" Kasia said her voice speaking over Leo's and Piper's bickering confusion. "At a certain point your sent gets to strong, you should have been found and claimed ages ago" Annebeth said politely correcting Kasia. "So were are we going?" Leo asked putting his hand over Piper's face "Ew Leo get your grimy hands off me" She said Pushing his hand to his lap. "Camp half blood" Annabeth said "Thats totally not the most cliché name I've ever heard" Annabeth sighed and turned to the head of the ship. After hours of boring conversation with everyone they finally made it to the so called Camp Half-Blood. Sure most of the time Kasia like talking to her friends for hours on end but the headache caused by the ringing had failed to go away and she was still so confused by everything that was going on.

They landed, as her shoes hit the grass and some kids from the archery area were looking at her whispering "please ignore them" Annabeth said "They think everyone who's blonde is a apollo kid.. unless you think you are" She said looking at Kasia "Oh she most likely miss guitar" Leo said teasing her "you play?" Annabeth said her eyebrow raised "Yeah I mean a little" She said her eyes shifting to the ground as they walked "She sings too she's totally a apollo kid" Leo said "Leo will you shut up.. sorry I don't sing I can sing but I don't" She said her voice trailing off she didn't care who her dad was he left that was all she needed and wanted to now.

She meet a Horse guy named chiron and the god Dionysus nicknames Mr.D by the campers, she wasn't impressed by the camp really it didn't seem like the camp where half god children but it was she placed her bag she had on since the Grand Canyon on the floor of the hermes cabin which was over flowing with campers, Piper was getting a tour of Camp and Leo had been claimed by his father almost as soon as he got to camp so she was all alone a feeling she new all to well.


They were all sitting around the camp fire she dumped half her food in the fire and sat down, she didn't touch her food. Her stomach was in knots and her head ache was still making her brain feel like it was banging against her skull, She zoned back into real like and heard the camp yelling at Jason demanding "Who are you" from about 20 voices echoed the forest around them. Suddenly the whole world started to shake as Jason yelled something about being the god of thunder or lightning. Zeus she realized, of course he was the son of Zeus she looked at his hair and his scar on his lip and it all made sense. He all ready knew he was a demigod. The campers went quiet "the big three" she heard the same term whispered in different versions from all the different campers, thats when Jason dropped the bomb a quest with a prophecy
Child of Lightning, beware the earth,
The giants' revenge, the seven shall birth,
The forge, The dove and The darkness
shall break the cage,
And death unleash through Hera's rage.
What... she was hella confused on what just came out of the ginger girls mouth. They explained it who the Forge was but they didn't know who the dove was or the darkness. "Its actually quite strange, Normally four demigods on one quest is dangerous" Chiron said his wrinkles going up on his face. Drew tanka stood up "I am a child of Aphrodite aka the dove" Kasia could tell that Drew was one of the girls who abused her money and privileges.
It was almost like her mother was listening because as soon as she said that a heart appeared over Pipers head, "Not what I was expecting at all" Leo laughed, Pipers messy uneven cut hair had turned perfect and her makeup-less face now had a hint of blush and mascara. Pipers smile dropped when she realized what had just happened, "Well looks like I am taking you Piper" Jason said the tinge of excitement in his voice was hard not to hear. The attention was soon taken away from Piper and her glow up by Kasia the campers stared at her "What" She said she looked above her head, there stood a pomegranate symbol, "What does that mean?" Leo asked breaking the silence. Chiron coughed his voice stuttering "Hades"

Hope you guys liked this chapter
I am aware its short but i wanted you guys to
Get a feel for the characters and for Kasia
Please bare with me,
my writing gets better every chapter I swear
Word count

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