Abnormal Biology Chapter 1/19

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First, a few content warnings:

While this fic is filled with references to Non-con, dubious consent issues, and violence, pretty much everything bad happens off page and isn't described in anything other than vague terms, or referred to in the past tense.

This fic is probably the most distressing thing I've ever written.  I actually had to stop writing it at some points and work on other things because it was giving me nightmares, but once the first six chapters are out of the way, it is actually quite a sweet love story, with a VERY happy ending! Trust me, stick with it through the angst 😉


His mother cried the morning he showed her his blood stained pyjamas pants.

He was seven years old and didn't understand where the rust red jelly that was smeared between his thighs had come from.

"Mommy, am I sick?" he asked, biting back tears as he looked up at her.

"No, no, honey," she said with a smile so forced it looked like a grimace. "I need you to be a brave boy and let me check where its coming from. Can you do that?"

Johnny wiped his face and nodded tentatively.

"There's nothing to be scared of," she said as she bent him over at the waist and slipped his pants down.

He felt her hands on him, gently moving his legs apart, then she made a strange sound and pulled his clothes up.

She turned him around and pulled him into her arms tightly as she sobbed into his shoulder.

"Mommy?" he asked.

"Everything's going to be OK, honey," she said as she held him tight, rubbing her hand against his back. "Everything's going to be fine."

She took hold of his arms, moving him a step back so she could speak to him. "You can't tell anyone about this. Do you understand how important this is, sweetheart?"

"What about Sid?" he asked quietly. "He'll be angry I ruined my pyjamas."

"Sid can never ever know about this, Johnny," she said with a serious look on her face.

A few days later his mother started giving him chalky little pills to swallow with a glass of water every morning. She told him they were a secret, just between the two of them, and as long as Johnny was taking them he'd never ruin his pyjamas again.

Johnny had heard words like Alpha, Beta, and Omega for as long as he could remember, but he never really understood how it applied to him until Biology class when he was 10 years old.

"Sexual rank is determined by the genes inherited from your parents," the teacher droned, as she drew a square in chalk on the blackboard. "Most of you will be Betas. Just over half of the world's population are Betas, regardless of whether male or female. A quarter are Alphas and the remaining quarter are Omegas."

She drew lines across the square, writing the letters A and O at the top and then again down the side, and filled letters into the grid.

Above the left hand column she wrote Male, then wrote Female above the right hand column.

"This is called a Punnett Square and it helps show how genes are inherited from your parents," she said. "So, as you can see, it shows that boys have a 50/50 chance of being an Alpha or a Beta, and you girls have the same chance of being either a Beta or an Omega."

Johnny could feel himself start to panic. His mother was an Omega, and once while trying to comfort him she'd said that he was just like her.

She taught him that he wasn't supposed to tell anyone the time that he'd ruined his pyjamas and that he was never to discuss the bitter chalky pills he took every day, but she'd never told him why.

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