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Toni's pov:
"Jug!!! We're free" Toni shouted running past him to her moterbike.
"Wait what? What do you mean we're free? And where are you going?" Jughead asked obviously confused as to why Toni, fangs and sweet pea were all leaving school in the middle of class.
" have you not heard? Southside is closing! We're all being transferred. You, me, Toni, fangs and the rest of the serpents. We're being sent to riverdale high starting on Monday!!" Sweet pea yelled as he left the ran down drug riddled building.
"Hey! You should be happy jug, you'll be with Betty and Archie again right?" Toni asked.
"Yeah I guess so" jughead replied still in his daze of confusion.

We all left the pitiful excuse for a school and headed straight for the white worm. Once we arrived, we were welcomed my f.p. Jug reserving a pat on the back by his old man. "I tell you what guys, I don't know about you but I'm really looking forward to some new faces" I said with a shy laugh. "Same Toni, same" fangs smiled at her in agreement.
Fangs and I have been best friends since we were little, our families are friends, we both joined the serpents at the same time and we both came out at the same time.

Meanwhile at riverdale high:
Cheryl's pov:

"Cheryl,Cheryl, did you hear the good news? Jug is coming back!! Southside is being closed and the serpents are all moving here!" Betty said excitedly.
Archie and Veronica both nodded with large smiles plastered on their faces. "WHAT?! No,no,no. This can't be happening, there's no way I will allow southside scum into my school" I said. I felt utterly disgusted by the thought of my school life adjusting to aline with my horrible home life.
"Cheryl it's okay, they're not that bad" Kevin joined in. "NOT THAT BAD?!" ARE YOU FORGETTING WHEN THEY HEPED TO COVER UP MY BROTHERS MERDUR?!" I shouted, maybe a little to loud as heads from around the common room turned to face us. Everyone fell into an awkward silence. I looked around at everyone staring at me "what do you all want huh? Stare a little more why don't you?!" I yelled and stormed out of the room and left the school going straight home.

Monday morning:
Toni's pov:
This is it, it's finally my chance to get the best education possible in riverdale. I thought to my self in attempt to hype myself up about the day ahead no matter how difficult it would be. I got out of bed and went to get the best outfit I could find in order to make a good first impression. I grabbed a slide of toast my grandad had made me and I left on my bike for school.

Once I had arrived at riverdale I saw the other serpents all next to the school. Some leaning on their bikes and others walking around talking to other people. I slowly road up to them and parked my bike. Getting off I walked over to sweets, fangs and jug who was standing slightly off to the side with his girlfriend Betty copper.
"Ahh finally topaz, you're here. We ready to go in?" Jug asked as we all nodded and headed up the stairs and into the school. Betty showed us through the hall to Veronica, Archie and Kevin who were all stood around a small table talking and sorting out a stack of papers that looked Mike our locker numbers and timetables.
"Oh great you're all here!" The raven haired teen said excitedly. " good to see you arch" jug said giving arch a tight bear hug, aggressively tapping his back when doing so. The crowd of serpents behind me has began to take their paper with the information they would need for the rest of their time at the school when all of a sudden the sexiest redhead I've ever seen begins to strut down the stairs behind Veronica. She was wearing leather thigh high boots, a black skirt and a long sleeve red crop top.
"Woah" I said under my breath, earning a small giggle from fangs and sweet pea. As the gorgeous girl made her way down the stairs with what looked like a group of football players and other students followed behind the girl. "Cheryl, this is Toni topaz, fangs fogrety and sweet pea along with the rest of the serpents that have transferred here." Betty said with a small smile. As I looked over at the readhead my smile quickly faded as I noticed her obvious face of disgust. Um... why'd she looking at us like that? I thought to myself. "Well,we'll,well, what do we have here?"the girl said walking over to me taking a lock of my pink hair amongst her two middle fingers. "Hi, I'm Toni" I said trying to be kind. " I don't care who you are. No one invited southside scum to my school" she hissed rolling her eyes and taking a step back from me. "Why don't you come back here and say that to my face." I said taking a step forward menacingly. "Happily, queen of the buskers" the redhead hissed again, taking a step toward me, at this point she was close enough to me that I couldn't tell if we were going to fight if kiss. "GUYS STOP" Veronica said coursing me to snap out of my dazed thoughts. I took a step back and the girl did too. She rolled her eyes and walked away from us, her posey not far behind her.

"Well that was awkward for everyone... how about we show you around?" Veronica asked in attempts to lighten the mood taking a pad and pen from the table as she began to walk away. We all followed her as she showed us around our new school.

The tour finished and I had my first lesson. It was second period and I was a bit late to the lesson, luckily Betty was in the same class as me so she explained to the English teacher that she was showing around the new students including myself. Before I knew it I was sat at a desk wt the back of the room slamming it to see if there was anyone familiar. I began to give up as I didn't really know anyone when my sights found themselves staring upon the red hair I had already grown to dislike no matter how intriguing I found it. It was as if the girl had eyes in the back of her head because as soon as I looked at her again, her head kilter around to look at me immediately locking our eyes. I didn't have a good feeling abt her from the stars but damn her eyes are pretty. So me bring me I winked and she rolled her eyes and turned back around to face her work.

1100 words today peeps! Yay I feel like ima rlly enjoy writing this iwl. I'm already off to a good start I feel like and who knows where this story will go 😁 anyways vote and comment what you'd like to see happen because I don't really have any ideas for this story x

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