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Toni's pov:

After the party on Friday night I headed home and thought it would probably be for the best if I didn't go out again at the weekend so I stayed home apart from my shift at the worm.

Walking out of my trailer to my bike I ate a slice of toast. I headed to school and as soon as I got there everyone was staring at me. Some states were that of shock and others were in admiration. I was confused until I saw sweets and fangs standing next to their bikes staring at me smirking. "What's this all about??" I asked slightly worried at the attention I had received. "Um you don't remember tiny?" Fangs said surprised. "Remember what?" I asked. "Tiny, someone filmed your little stunt at Veronica's party on Friday and it's gone viral..." sweet pea said handing me his phone. An Instagram post played of me pulling Cheryl toward me and kissing her with her kissing me back. "Oh. My. Fucking. God." I said shocked  I completely forgot about what happened that night. Altho watching this video back it was kind of hot if I'm totally honest. "Just be carful today okay tiny? We don't need the bulldogs after us more than they already are because of this okay?" Hughes's chimed in clearly having listened in on the whole conversation with Betty. "Yeah I'll be careful hug don't worry" I said reassuringly as we all walked up the steps toward the school.

The stares continued as I walked through the halls to my locker so I was purposely late to my first lesson so I wouldn't have to deal with it. However as soon as I walked into my class room everyone stared yet again and someone whistled. Before the teacher could get the classes attention none other than Cheryl stood from her seat and left the room. Confused, my gaze followed her and soon my body did the same. "Class isn't over" the teacher started before giving up and returning to the class.

"Oi Cheryl, can we talk?" I half shouted.

Cheryl's pov:
I sat at the frount of the class room where I could feel everyone's eyes staring holes in the back of my head. I wasn't really sure what was happening but I did know for sure that I hated Toni topaz more than ever for making her seem like she actually enjoyed it. The only reason she kissed back was because she was very drunk. Just as the teacher started to talk, the door Swamy open and I felt everyone's stares leave my head and look past me. I heard someone whistle and I looked up from my book. I locked eyes with none other than Toni but before she could say anything I took my stuff and practically ran out of the room before the teacher could say anything.

J was half way to my locker when I heard a voice. "Oi, Cheryl! Can we talk?" I stoped in my tracks and I turned around to see Toni walking towards me. I rolled my eyes and said "leave me alone, you don't get to just talk to me you know. I'm Cheryl blossom, Aka Cheryl bombshell. That means you, as serpent skum, are beneath me. So no. We can't talk"  I may have been a little harsh as she was also being borderline harassed about the video but she deserves it. She's a serpent after all.

" look Cheryl, I'm sorry if I overstepped. I know it's not an excuse b it i was really drunk and I'm pretty sure you were tok otherwise you wouldn't have even stood up in the first place. Which means you were somewhat okay with what happened." She said quietly as she walked closer to me. I looked around and I rolled my eyes as I pulled her into the girls toilets before talking. " look, Toni. I don't like you and your serpent gang and I'm pretty sure you don't like me all that much either so what happened was obviously a mistake. But if I'm being completely honest I... I didn't not like it Toni..."
'Fuck fuck fuck why did I say that what am I doing I hate her'
Toni stood there shocked as I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I looked toward the floor to try and compose myself but before I could look back up, I feel her hand on my face with her thumb wiping the tear off my cheek. Lifting my face up to look at her. "Cheryl... im so sorry, I know you think it meant nothing to me but if im being totally honest with you, I really liked it too. I don't know what this means about us or anything but I would love to get to know you more. However you and I both know that if we did we wouldn't be able to tell people otherwise there would be upraw from the whole school..."
She said in a sort of sweet tone. "I would like that a lot Toni"I said shyly. "But you're right. No one can know otherwise god knows what would happen."
" im free tonight if you would maybe wanna go to pops and talk things through?" She asked and I just smiled. She looked at me once more with a small smile and left the restroom.

AN/ JUST A SHORT ONE FOR NOW FOLKS BUT ILL UPDATE AGAIN TMR OR THE DAY AFTER. I don't really proof read so sorry about spelling mistakes. EXactly 900 words but it'll be a longer chapter tmr with plenty of drama and maybe even a few cute choni moments. For now vote and comment what you wanna see. Bye bye. Xx

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