The truth

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Toni's pov:

Rose blossom:
I have something you might
want to hear...
                                   What's this about?

Cheryl, I know where she
is and she's in danger.
                                 Where is she. How     can I help?

She's in the Swiss alps.
At a conversation therapy camp,  Called the sisters of quiet mercy. There's a plane leaving tonight. I have a ticket you may use and I suggest you take someone with you just in case you get stuck or lost somewhere.
Good luck Toni topaz. Oh and pack light dear.

— um... okay so tho ay was odd but if Cheryl's in trouble then someone has to help her. If I help her and bring her back maybe Veronica will think of me as a hero due to Cheryl and Veronica's friendship.

That evening I called sweet pea and explained the whole situation to him. He agreed to come with me to save Cheryl from god knows what. At midnight we left on our bikes to go to the blossoms house and pick up our tickets then to the airport.

When we arrived in the alps I called mrs blossom and she said that Cheryl was with the sisters. So sweet pea and I looked around the town we were in for a while until we came across a small road with a simple cross and a lettering that read 'the sisters' no other indication to what the sisters was or what they did but none the less pea and I followed the small road for what felt like a few miles.

After 45 minutes, we arrived at what looked like a ran down factory that had been converted into a prison. "Oh fuck... this is not going to be good." Sweets whispered and all I could do was nod in response. We walked up to the double doors and knocked hard, almost punching it. The door creaks open so we walk in. Me first. Sweet pea second.

Cheryl's pov:

it's been a few long days in this room by my self. Being trapped in a room for days whilst I'm being processed or something has really sucked. I'm so far away from home and there's nothing to do here apart from stare at the mountains all day and draw with a tiny pencil on the walls because they won't even give me paper. The nurse said I'll be here for another week until they're done checking me in and making sure I've got everything I'll need for the foreseeable future because god knows how long I will be here for. The nurse also said that I'll be here for as long as I need to be to make sure I'm 'cured' but I'm not even sure they know what they're 'curing' because they all seem totally oblivious and just assumed that who ever someone is, is in the right place.

Toni's pov:
We walked in to what seemed like a main hall with doors scattered around each wall and multiple levels. Each looking more unstable than the one below it. One door on the first level had the words 'female A-G' written on it so sweet and I opened it and walked in. There was a long corridor that stretched a long distance but there wasn't a person of seeming authority anywhere to be seen. As we began walking the names on the doors began going through the alphabet. As we came to the B section about three minutes in to walking we saw c.m.Blossom. " fuck... she's in here. We knock on the door and peer through the tiny window to see a disheveled Cheryl drawing on a wall. We try the door nob but we don't have a key so it doesn't open. I look through the window again to see Cheryl oblivious to us. I look to sweet pea knowing he'd be able to kick the door down. Before I could ask him to he holds me back before launching his leg into the door sending it flying open. We stepped into her room but all of a sudden an alarm began ringing. It was loud and aggressive. "Cheryl let's go!" I shouted as she slowly gazed round to me. Her fact confused and shocked to see two serpents stood before her. As she began to stand up but her ankle was tied to the foot of her bed with thick rope. I took out my blade and began cutting it while sweet pea stood hard at the door. "Toni hurry up there's a bunch of nuns walking over here" sweets said as I had almost finished cutting the rope. Once I'd finished I grabbed Cheryl's hand and began to pull her out of the cell like room but as soon as she stood up she collapsed. "They're basically here Toni!!" Sweet pea shouted in urgency. 'Fuck!!!' I thought before instincts kicked in. I scooped her into my arms to bridal carry her out. Pea ran behind me to make sure we were both safe. As we made it to a fore exit, i pushed it open and started sprinting with Cheryl in my arms with out looking back. When sweets was next to me he told me to stop so he could take Cheryl since he was annoyingly stronger than me. We ran as fast as we could and made it to the sign we'd seen earlier with the cross on it. We got back to the towns centre and ordered an Uber before calling Cheryl's bans to inform her of Cheryl's safety.
The Uber came and before we knew it we were at the air port. I'd given Cheryl some food and water and she had slept, leaning on me, the whole car ride so she was feeling stronger now and was able to walk with just an arm around her waist for extra super now.

After waiting at the airport for an hour, our flight had finally been called and we were boarding it with in 20 mins of it being called. Sweet pea sat a few rows in front of us and Cheryl sat next to me in the window seat. She stayed quiet for most of the flight but evert so often she would glance at me or I'd see a rouge tear fall down her cheek. I didn't want to ask her what was bothering her because that place, the sisters, seemed honestly horrible to live in. And god knows what food she was fed because she looked even more pain than usual and just generally shocked about the speed of the whole situation and the fact that sweets and I actually pulled it off.

Two hours into the flight I felt a hand on my thigh and Cheryl's head begin to lean on my shoulder as she fell asleep. Her breathing went steady and deep.

Once we had made it back to riverdale airport I woke Cheryl up and told her that we were here. Her eyes went wide and began to tear up. "What's up? Aren't you glad to be home?" I asked surprised. "It's not that I'm unhappy being back but I can't go home. My own mother is the person who sent me there and if she knew I had Brocken out she would just send me back. I don't know where to go. Or what to do." " well there are a few rooms above the work if you want to stay there? They're free at the moment because all the serpents have trailers b it usually they're used for serpents in need of a home. Fully free.  I'll talk to hogeye once we get back to the south side but if he says no then you're staying with me okay?" "Okay" is all Cheryl could get out before walking off the plane. We met up with sweet pea once we had gotten off and we walked outside to the carpark. We walked to our bikes and got on but Cheryl just looked at us stunned and slightly disgusted. I rolled my eyes and pulled her on behind me. Before she could protest i rapped her arms around my waist and told her to hold on tight.

Once we made it to the south side we headed straight for the white worm. Cheryl got off my bike and stood still in her spot implying she didn't want to o in first. I walked in but before I could get to the bad I felt a hand on mine. I looked down then to my side to see Cheryl's hand holding mine tight. As she blushed but tried to seem oblivious. It was strange because it was kind of cute but also awkward because the only reasons I saved her was because it was conversion therapy and also selfishly for me to get points with Veronica.

None the less we walked up to the bar hand in hand and asked for hogeye.
The tall grey man walked up to us behind the bad and asked what he can help us with. "We'll I'm, this is Cheryl. She really needs a place to stay right now and I know she's not a serpent but she means a lot to me so maybe she could stay upstairs?" I said fast walst not making eye contact with him. "Of course"he said happily, " a friend of Toni's is a friend of mine." "Thank you" Cheryl chimed in. The man smiled and bring us a set of door keys. I led Cheryl upstairs and she passed me the keys to horn the door. We walked in to the medium sided room and looked around. It was fairly empty apart from a double bed, a small bathroom and a large mirror with double glasses windows overlooking sweet water river and the docks.

"So I guess I'll leave you to it then. Night Cheryl" I said as I walked to the door. "Wait... Toni. Thank you. You've saved my life. I don't know what I would have done if I had to of stayed there." We stood there two metres apart staring at each other for what felt like decades and milli seconds at the same time before she spoke up again. "I know you have your trailer but could you stay here just for tonight? I don't want to be alone right now" she said avoiding i contact and staring at the floor. I agreed and with that we both got ready for bed and I took a pillow and placed it on the floor next to the bed to give Cheryl some space. "Toni?What are you doing?" She asked confused. "Oh, Um. I figured you might want your space so I'll just sleep  on the floor. Don't worry I won't leave." I replied but before I could roll over Cheryl began again "Toni, please come up here. I can't be on my own in this bed. I just can't." With that I took my pillow and placed it back on the bed before climbing in and laying like a plank, awake for hours until I was 100% sure she  was asleep.

An/ heya guys. It's me again. Hope you enjoyed. I didn't want the sisters of q.m to be ages long because I wanna focus on the after math if it but again, I hope you enjoyed  1912 words.  vote and coment as usual and I'll probs update again tmr night because it's holiday rn. Bye bye xx

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