Ghost of Sharda Colony-I

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In the north, there was a city named Bhimapura, situated on hilly terrain, and covered with snow, for three months of winter. Summers were not much hot, while rains were always generous. Now that isn't what the city's famous for. In previous three decades, the people of this city are claiming to be experiencing paranormal and scary incidents, that keep on happening on a regular basis.

No one exactly could decipher, whether these were mere hallucinations, or some spirit, but one thing was dead clear- the city was not normal.

The incident that occured in 2458, when a guy named Naman shifted to the city, is worth mentioning. He was newly employed in a government job, and was posted to the city as an engineer in the Hydroelectric Power Project, as there was a large dam situated near the city, on a river named Shakti.

He got a room on rent, for one fourth of the rent on other similar rooms. This room was in a colony where most houses were empty for some unknown reasons. The person from whom he got the room, also, was living in another city since seven years. He gave him the room and told him that he can live there as he likes.

After cleaning up the house, he sat on a chair to take some rest. He then walked outside to take a look of the colony, in the evening. No sign of any human was there in the vicinity. And the most surprising thing, was that there were three dogs, who were barking heavily together, not at Naman, but towards a large Apple tree.

There was no person or animal nearby the tree, but they were barking as if someone's there.
Naman looked up at the branches, to check if some monkey is hiding there, but there was none. He was amazed, but also confused. So he went back to the room and retired to bed, as the next day, he had to go to work.

He was a non believer of the paranormal, so he didn't pay much attention to the scenario. But at night, he saw a dream where he saw a woman standing nearby the tree.

She asked-," I feel sad for you...."

He replied-," But why?"

" You can't leave this colony, and you will have to live here till death." she said.

He asked-," What? I don't understand...What do you mean?"

She smiled in a scary way and replied-," I need people, so that I become stronger...."

He woke up with a heavy head, as if his energy has been drained, and he was feeling body pain, and weakness. But he thought that maybe that's because he travelled a long distance and also cleaned the house, so it would have made him tired.

He went to work, and was introduced to the people working there. He met an old and friendly man, who was an assistant engineer there. He asked him smiling-
" Namaste Sir! You have newly joined, right? Where do you live?"

Naman replied-," Yes sir... I live in Sharda Colony, nearby the apple orchard."

The man's face turned pale and his smile turned into shivering. He screamed-," Why do you live there? Weren't you warned before getting the room there, by the owner?"

Naman was confused-," No... But why?"
The old man said-," The colony is haunted! You better shift somewhere else as soon as possible!"

Naman got chills, and he drank some water. He then recalled all the incidents that he observed. The barking dogs, his dream, and waking up with severe pain in the body.

Now when you visit a place, and you feel perfectly normal, but you are told by someone later on, that the place is haunted, you start imagining things and get scared. This is a normal phenomenon. But when you already start witnessing abnormal incidents from the beginning, and are later told by someone about the place being haunted, means that there is something that's really not normal with the place.

This is what Naman too thought, and when he came back from work, he saw again, the dogs barking towards the same tree. This time, he was scared, and was getting goosebumps. He ignored that, and went straight into his room, and found ashes spread on the floor! In the morning, he locked the door from outside before leaving, and after coming, himself opened it. And no item in the room was burnt. Seeing the ashes, he screamed, and cleaned them up as fast as he could. He was breathing heavily, and couldn't understand what to do. He sat on his bed, and was completely unaware when he fell asleep.

He again saw the dream in which the woman was smiling, and said-," You are providing me with your energy... How kind of you...."

He wanted to speak, but words won't come out! He mustered all his strength to utter something, but only air came out of his mouth, and no words. After some time, he realised that he wasn't even able to move at all! The woman kept on staring him with a scary look, and all he could do was keeping his eyes closed tightly.

The next day also, he woke up, extremely lethargic, and went to work.
He went to the old man and asked more about the colony.
He narrated-
" A woman committed self immolation ten years back. Or probably she was burnt by someone..... That I don't exactly know.... But then after some years, people started experiencing scary things there, and vacated the place."
Naman was angry for the room owner and he called him on phone, but the man won't pick up calls. He decided to shift the room, but as soon as he would go to the room, he would fall asleep in seconds, and it felt that his energy is being drained as soon as he enters the room. The ashes were there on a daily basis, and he kept on cleaning them daily, so it became a habit. The woman would talk to him daily in his dreams, where he couldn't speak anything.

He preferred not to tell about this to his family, as they were extremely superstitious, and may over react or be more tensed. So he asked the old man, what could he do in that situation.

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