Ghost of Sharda Colony- II

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Naman asked the old man if there is some way out this

" Please help me sir, somehow... As soon as I enter the room, I fall asleep, everyday! Sometimes I wake up, and realise that I slept on the floor...
That woman comes daily in my dream, whom I have never seen or known before... And there are ashes on the floor, in almost every two or three days... Sometimes I don't even get time to clean them and just fall asleep..."

The old man was really tensed seeing his situation, as he also observed that Naman was becoming weaker day by day.

He said-," Come with me and try to sleep in my house tonight... Let's see if you see the dream tonight as well. I live alone, my wife died five years ago, and my son lives in another city for work. I insist, come at my house..."

Naman agreed and he went to his house, and he wasn't feeling sleepy this time, contrary to his daily schedule after returning home.

He slept at 10 P.M. and woke up at 6 A.M. without any complaint. He took a shower and got ready. The old man asked-
" What's the matter? Did you see her last night as well?"

He refused and was looking quite healthy. His face, which used to be pale and tired, appeared normal."

The old man said-," There is only one way, and that is, you should leave that room as early as you can, or you will end up becoming weaker and weaker. "
Naman thought the same, but in order to move his furniture, he had to go in the room. The main problem was as soon as he tried to enter the room anytime, he felt extremely tired and sleepy. So he used to sleep, and again, the dreams continued.

One day, he heard loud ramming on the door, at 8 P.M. when he was asleep. He was not able to wake up, despite trying his best, but the ramming continued for ten minutes, so he gathered all what he got in him, and woke up.

He opened the door, and saw the old man from his workplace, along with a priest, who was holding a cloth, in which he carried his things.

Naman-," Hello sir! Who is this Pandit?"

The old man said-," I have asked him to come along with me, as he knows exorcism and spirit repelling incantations. I know him already, so he won't charge any money from you..."

"Thank you so much sir! But I mean... Will he be able to.... really?..."

The Pandit became furious and yelled at the old man-," Rakesh! This lad is so mannerless! Won't he let us in, and talk here at the doorstep only?!"

Naman apologised, and all of them entered the room. And then suddenly the Pandit asked-
" Have you ever listened sound of someone walking or jumping on the roof? Or loud banging on the walls?"

Naman-," Yes! But only once or twice.... As all I do here once I enter is sleep..."

He opened the sack, and picked up a large metal nail, and a hammer. He ran towards a wall, and smashed the nail on it. And to everyone's surprise, blood started to ooze from the wall!

Naman was scared, and he asked Rakesh ( the old man ) what was happening.

The Pandit replied-
" This blood indicates that there are practitioners of black magic, who have hidden some dangerous items here in the walls. All that is happening here, is due to those items."

He smashed about nine-ten nails on each wall, and blood started to come out from all of them! The walls nearly became red in no time.

He then sat down, and spoke-
" These spirits are common in this whole city. I remember that I came a few years ago, and did the same procedure somewhere else, in this city. Maybe black magic practitioners live here. Whatever it is, I must ward her off...."

He spoke some incantations in the local language, and there were echoes of a woman crying, earlier in the room, and then, even in the whole colony.

Naman was shivering, and he suddenly became furious. He yelled at the Pandit-," You can't make me run from here! This is my colony!"

Rakesh was scared to death seeing this behaviour, and the Pandit shouted in reply-," Leave this boy, or it will be bad for you!"

" I will take this boy with me! Stop me if you can!" Said Naman in an angry tone.

Naman started punching himself. He started to pull his hair, and bite his fingers! His eyes were red, and so was his skin.

The Pandit threw some powderish substance over him, and he shouted loudly. Rakesh was about to faint seeing the scenario, but he held himself up.

The Pandit walked towards him, and touched his head. Naman was about to hold the Pandit's neck with his hand, but the Pandit again threw the same substance on him. This time, he fell on the floor, as if he died. He was panting heavily and his tongue was out of his mouth.

Rakesh-," Is he alright now?"

The Pandit nodded and placed his hand on his head again. The panting was becoming slower, and he was put to sleep.

Pandit-," This spirit has been weakened, but only for some days. Shift all the goods from here to somewhere else, or he will be doomed again..."

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