Ghost of Sharda Colony-III

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When Naman regained consciousness, he found himself lying on the floor, and Mr. Rakesh was looking at him anxiously. He shouted-," He's awake! Pandit?!"

The Pandit saw him and said-," Hmm... He's alright this time... No need to worry..."

Naman-," What just happened here? And did I again sleep?"

Pandit-," You were about to kill yourself as you were possessed by the spirit of the same woman who comes in your dreams."

Naman-," What! Are you serious?"

Pandit-," As far as I can assume, the woman must have been blamed of practising black magic. And that would have been really hard on him, to be accused of something that you have never committed. So she burnt herself. But her spirit was trapped here in this colony, not by her, but some other person who's really well versed with black magic. Now the real culprit is that black magic practitioner, and not the spirit. After all, the spirit itself is caged here, and can't be free, unless the practitioner frees her."

Naman-," How do you know?"

Pandit-," These bleeding walls indicate that some human has manually hidden some ingredients used in black magic, in the walls, when this room was being constructed. Then he or she activated these, using the spirit's energy. That is the theory I have derived from the experience, as well as after talking to the spirit."

Naman-," When did you talk to that spirit?"

Mr. Rakesh-," You fell unconscious, and then you were murmuring something. He decoded what you were saying, as probably the spirit was making you utter those words, he told."

Naman-," Now what am I supposed to do next?"

Mr. Rakesh-," I know another colony, where you can find a good room for living. Just move your furniture from here, and live there. And come with me to my house tonight...."

He agreed and they went to his house, and the next day, he shifted all the items to another room, whose rent was about double the previous one.

Naman-," It's alright.... I wondered why was that room so cheap, but now I know...."

He asked Mr. Rakesh-," And from where did you get that Pandit, sir? Do you know him?"

He replied-," Actually I saw him exorcising a man who lived in my neighbourhood. When he was leaving, I asked about him. He is a professional exorcist, and claimed to have exorcised more than a hundred spirits from human bodies."

Naman-," Wow.... Professional exorcist....Can we do something for the spirit that's trapped there?"

Mr. Rakesh-," Currently, our priority was to save you from her. And that's done... Who cares about the spirit anymore now?..."

Naman-," But... Okay.... But we should know who was behind all this...."

Mr. Rakesh-," You should focus on your job, sir... It is risky to indulge in the paranormal aspects of society.... Trust me.... Forget everything and try to live a good life...."

Naman-," Okay then... Fine...But can I get any contact information of the Pandit?"

Mr. Rakesh-," But why? Can I ask?

"Naman-," Oh well..... Actually.....Yes! I want to thank him personally... After all, I was saved just because of him...."

Mr. Rakesh-," He doesn't have a contact number, but his house is somewhere in the city of Jagdishpur. It is ten kilometres from here. You can ask the people there, as everyone knows about him. He lives nearby a large Shiva Mandir."

Naman thanked him and continued his work. But after some days he went to visit the Pandit, and reached Jagdishpur city.

He was curious about what kind of a person, the Pandit was. Added to this was his first encounter with the paranormal, which served as a fuel for his curiosity. He visited the temple, and then looked at a small hut nearby the temple. He went there and saw an Aghori sitting there.

"Hello baba! Does a Pandit live here nearby, who knows exorcism?"

The Aghori replied-," You are asking about him.... Well, he didn't return back since three days. A man came and asked to exorcise a spirit of some Sharda Colony, in Bhimapur. He went with him, but didn't return..."

Naman was confused, so he went back to his new room. He wanted to know more about spirit, through the Pandit, but he never found him. And never did the dream came, where he used to see that woman. Never did he visit the colony too, but he kept on hearing the news of people hearing mysterious voices at night, when they went back to their homes.

Mr. Rakesh told that it is common in the city. A lot of paranormal activities have been happening there, since ten years. No one knew the cause, and even the exorcist Pandit too didn't know, he said.

Naman-," But I went to meet him in Jagdishpur, and an Aghori told me that he didn't return back from Sharda Colony. I then again visited there after a month, but he said the same thing.... Is he alright? Did you see him?"

Mr. Rakesh-," No, I didn't... After all, he has a job that's risky... So maybe he would be busy somewhere else, trying to help someone who too is being worried because of the spirits...."

Naman-," These things are so common here.... But where I earlier lived, no one had experienced such things... Is something wrong with this city?"

Mr. Rakesh-," Well.... I don't know.... I am myself living here since thirty years. And these incidents started to become more reported from ten years ago.... But the elders of the city, strictly have been warning the people not to go in the apple orchards at night, or sleeping there, even at the daytime..... This has been passed down since ages..... No one knows why though...."

Naman-," This aspect is so mysterious, yet amazing..... It is life threatening though...."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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