Hailey's POV

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Sasha plopped down next to me on the couch with my laptop firmly in her grip. "So have you messaged Jimmy yet," she inquired with raised brows and a conniving smile. I shook my head, attempting to hide the pink flowing through my cheeks behind my cascading hair.

"Hailey!" Sasha scolded, "what is wrong with you?! He's hot, you're hot. Obviously you two are meant to be!" I frowned at her silly reasoning. Yes, Jimmy was certainly good looking but I always believed looks were superficial. Jimmy was the nicest boy I had met and he made working at the diner actually bearable. However, the possibility of the feelings being mutual were slim to none. His constant nickname for me confirmed the belief I was destined to remain in the friendzone. I cringed at the memory of him referring to me as his little sister. Yet still I could not resist the fluttering of my heart whenever he smiled encouragingly at me from across the diner during our roughest shifts.

"Helloooooo, earth to Hailey! Did you hear me?"

Sasha's high pitched voice sent me spiralling back to reality as I focused on her soft blue eyes. Sasha and I had been friends since middle school when I first moved to this dinky little town. Her long blonde hair and amazing blue eyes had intimated me. She was so beautiful as I paled in comparison that the possibility of us ever forming such a strong friendship seemed unrealistic to me at my young age. My only company before Sasha was my abundant insecurities.

"What?" I asked, revealing I hadn't been listening. Her eyes rolled to the ceiling as she repeated what she had said.

"I told you I messaged him for you."

"What?!" I asked in disbelief. I hoped Sasha was just teasing me. She sighed dramatically and began to repeat herself again, "I said I--"

Cutting her off with a simple wave of my hand, indicating I was well aware of her confession. Though I loved her sometimes she could be rather stressful to deal with. This was common Sasha behaviour, ignoring my wishes and doing whatever she deemed in my best interest. In the end her attempts at finding me love were so hopeless that they were borderline embarrassing. Seeing Jimmy at work is definitely going to be very awkward.

"Some old creepy dude messaged you just now," Sasha announced as she tilted the screen in my line of view. She pointed to a picture of the man she was referring to but with my thoughts still centered on Jimmy, the photo hardly registered in my mind. "He says you're beautiful," Sasha teased causing me to shrug, not giving it much thought. After she finished her playful mocking she asked me if I'd like to block him.

"Nah, it's okay. Just tell him thanks I guess."

Her eyes darted towards me quickly. "You did notice he's old, right? I mean it's kinda weird."

But with another shrug in response to her meddling, she sighed and obeyed.

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