Hailey's POV

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I've lost track of how long I've been here. Every day has been repetitive as I find myself overcome with loneliness. I want my mom. I want my dad. I want Sasha. To think there was a time in my life where I worried about angry customers and if Jimmy would ever like me. I should have appreciated what I had...freedom. I have accepted that I will be prisoner for the rest of my life. My only hope is our age difference, maybe he'll die off before my life is completely over.

It has gotten to the point that I feel so alone, I actually find myself getting excited when Christopher enters the room. I long for his gentle rocking while I suck on my pacifier, for his sweet words as I fall asleep. He's noticed and started giving me more attention.

I've even been referring to him as Daddy almost instinctively.


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