Mystic Falls

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"Kylie wake up !!"Lindsey shouted walking in to the room I groaned and turned over "Come on Kylie you have to get to Mystic Falls" I groaned and slowly got up "whyyy" I sighed "Because you said that you will go to Mystic Falls when you're 16"she replied annoyed at me already "but why today lindsey. I'm too tired" I said. "Not my fault that you stayed up all night parting with Brad and you know I don't like him I don't think hes a good influence on you". She said. "What does brad have to do with going to mystic falls or your bussiness for that matter." ''Just get up before i have to come back and drag you out of this bed." 

Few minutes later Lindey noticed that after that interaction with Kylie there was no sounds of movement coming from the room.

'' I cant believe u kylie.You made a promise to mom that by 16 you would get off ur butt and do something with your life in the town that we grew up in.SO why dont u do us all a favor and get off ur hiney and spare my life the difficulty...give mom this one thing even though shes gone.It's what she wanted'' Lindsey said as she barged into my room.

I immediately stopped what i was doing and looked at Lindsey slightly hurt at the words that she expressed to me but quickly covering my shocked look with my usual blank expression.Noticing that she couldn't get any noticeable reaction out of me Lindsey sighed shaking her head before exiting my room and left me to my privacy.

(After getting dressed I went to the car and i see Lindsey angry her face is red)

''Took you long enough''Lindsey stated as i hopped into the car.

"im kinda glad that your leaving'' I muttered under my breathe as i sat in the car i began thinking and like word vomit the question ''why did she have to be taken from us'' came out as i looked over at her wearily,She exhaled a long breathe before giving me the usual response of   " I don't know Kylie I don't know "

i decided to end the conversation there making the rest of the car ride silent and tense.

1 hr later

Lindsey pulled up into a beautiful elegant house that supposedly was mines all to myself ''finally here after your slow driving took like hours to get here'' i said as i unbuckled my seat belt 

 '' just get out "she said as she rolled her perfect blue eyes. 

I got out of the car and walked by the door of extraordinary house

''bye lil sis''lynn said in a playful way

"shut upppp...bye big sis" she waved as I walked inside and went inside and proceded to explore. After checking out the whole house and unpacking I noticed that i had time to atleast see one thng in this miniature town after thinking for a while I decided to go out for a drive . As I drove around I soon spotted this place called The Gril. 

How orignal.

Hi guys now I can't take all the credit because my sister helped me with it so yeah fyi Lindsey Kylie's sister to the top or side


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