The Grill

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As I pulled up to "The Grill"  upon walking in i noticed that this place for some unknown reason seemed to be quite popular. Here's how it went down , I walked in swinging the door of this "place" open while the slightly chilly wind from outside blew my hair as the door closed I took a moment to look around myself at everyone in here before walking over to the bar.

I sat down pulling out my phone  pulled out my phone  to find something interesting to do in the mean time , Well aware of the eyes on me and especially the supernaural ones but not caring.

"Can I get some Bourbon please" I asked to the cute guy behind the counter " Sorry Miss I proceed to give anyone alcohol without an ID" he replied back. I leaned forward and looked him in the eye  noticing the fear in them and also being well aware of the fact that he was on vervain and even though I could've still compelled him if I  wanted to but well...that's alot of work, "ok" I said complying before pulling out my ID he breathed a short sigh of relief thinking that I  would've have noticed butt...I did. He studided it for a minute before saying "One bourbon shot coming up" I sat back rolling my eyes and looking around because of boredom not anything else  when I spotted a group of people glancing over at me and whispering.

With controllable  heightened hearing I listened to what they were saying  " another vampire in town to turtore us great just great I bet shes another one of Klaus's little minions" I heard the girl with brown hair and brown eyes say in an act of disgust and can I just say that I take offense to ever being a "minion" ew just ew. "Maybe she's not so bad and she's just here to visit" the blonde girl who looked seemingly very preppy stated doin what I think was her act of lightning the mood/ tension in the air . "Possibly" I heard the girl who I knew was the witch. 

I glanced at them at the corner of my eye to see them looking at me worriedly,like i cared...i came here for my mother not to waste my time on some stupid supernatural scooby doo gang. I downed my shot of bourbon before looking back down at my phone seeing I've been here for  way too long and for much more time than i wanted to be here. I sashayed out this kinda awful place into my expensive Lamborghini Aventador  car before I said something that wasn't needed to be said as i was still new here...Maybe I'll enjoy torturing them a bit.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OK that was 3 chapters in one day I'm on a role today ☺ and don't worry I won't keep you guys waiting as story will be up soon


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