Chapter one

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Chapter one.


{Author P.O.V}

Imagine this, a little girl, no more than 10 years old, dress in a cute white dress with matching shoes, long blond hair in two piggy tales with pretty bright red bows. The little girl had bright pink cheeks and the biggest most innocent blue eyes you will ever see, This little girl was the most pure, angelic looking person to ever walk the face of the earth. In her right hand she held a small basket filled with beautiful red rose’s the colour of her small lips that where pulled back into a smile on her face as she hummed a lullaby to herself on her long walk through the forest of her kingdoms. The winds where swirly around and would chill her to the bone if it wasn’t for the long red hooded clock she wore that almost touched the ground.

She was walking along a path in the distance you could see a house, a beautiful blue house with a white picket fence. As the little girl hums and skips along this path a flash of movement passes by and the little girl doesn’t spare one glance as she doesn’t notice. The little girl stays oblivious of everything. The front door broken down ,the low growl from inside the house and also the scent of wolf in the air…she didn’t notice, not yet anyways.

The little girl get to the front gate and finally sees the destruction done to her small house and her merry tune is cut short “Mummy?” said the little girl in a voice that makes the world sweetest music sound like nails on a chalk board in comparison “Daddy?” all is silent. She calls out a few more times getting closer to the living room in her dainty fairy tale house which is splattered with dripping red liquid that almost matches the colour of her beautiful rose’s she had picked for her mother and father on her walk this sunny afternoon which has now turned into a dark twilight, no response is made but more horrendous growls from inside the house and a spin chilling chuckle.

The little girl walks further until standing in the door way to living room, it was far by the worst in the house. Claw marks on the walls and blood covered every surface, a group of five tall men loomed over two dead bodies, one a pail black wolf, the other a light white wolf. The blood from the animals pouring out of their bodies to rest on the floor.  The little girls face is hidden from view but the whimpers are easily heard and the tears that fall from the shaded face onto the floor are unmistakably sad. The little girl’s voice brakes out in such sorrow as she looks over the two dead creatures “Mummy? Daddy?” the girl cries as she drops to her small knees in front of the animals. Her basket of roses falling forward to spill and mix with the largest pool of blood in the middle of the two wolfs who lay dead facing each other with their last breaths.

Imagine then the evil men smiling at the little girl’s cries then the most hideous man out of the five walks closer till only the dead wolves where keeping them apart, he opens his chapped lips and speaks in a chilling voice “So you’re their little girl? They tried to protect you so much…to bad it was all in vain, so now you die at our hand just like they did” he finished with a hiss. The little girls crying was cut off at his words and slowly she pulled back her hood to look up at the man’s face and the shock of the little girls angle like looks where splatter on all the men’s faces just like the blood on the walls.

Yet it seemed the man was only fazed for long enough for the small girl to stand to her feet and brush the tears of her cheeks with her cloak, the man’s hands started to change into large paw like things “My what sharp claws you have” said the little girl with a wide eyed expression as she watched. The man chuckled as so did the men behind him.

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