Chapter two

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Chapter Two

{Little Red Riding Hood}

The name that every werewolf in the world lives in fear of is Little Red Riding Hood, ironic isn’t it? They call the most feared werewolf, hell the most fear mythical creature in the world, who just so happens to be of the Wolf-like-variety and they stick me with the title of Little Red Riding Hood I mean for one they have no idea if I was a male or female, it must have been a lucky guess that I was of the female gender. The irony only grew with the fact that ever since I had made a name for myself over 10 years ago I had always hidden my identity with a long red hooded cloak, but what I found the most ironic is the fact that if there was to be a definition for me it would be something along the lines of…

Little Red Riding Hood; menace , daunting, murderess, cold blooded killer, unfeeling, emotionless, wicked, mysterious and malicious

Yet everyday when I see my reflection or anyone to actually see me the first word that they think of is Innocent. With my long pale blond hair that slightly curls, my bright large blue eyes framed by black think lashes the lengths of butterfly’s wings, my slim and somewhat average height figure all and all my looks scream defenseless. I must say my whole life was one based around the idea of irony.

I was looking in my reflection in the full body mirror that sat just before my door. My tight dark denim jeans made my legs look great and the five inch red designer heels gave my legs that long endless look. I wore a tight white three quarter shirt but it was hidden from sight by my red hooded button up jacket. I left the hood down and pulled my hair into a high pony tail in which it still reached passed my shoulder blades. I picked up my key chain which held four different keys and a key chain in the shape of a doggy bone. When satisfied I looked like the young human girl I pretended I was I made my way to my car.

I closed the door to my small house that boarded the large city and making my way over to my shinny black Land Rover the only car that could make it through the harsh roads that led to my house and still look like it belonged among all the flashy cars in the city. This city and the surrounding forest where all under the power and authority of Little Red Riding Hood, the most feared Rouge werewolf to ever live, and lucky me I was the bad ass wolf hidden by the cloak.

Today was just another day of business for me as every day of my life has been before. I hoped in the driver’s side of my Land Rover and floored it out of my small drive into the forest roads before it led to the connecting road to the city. At the connecting road I slowed down a fraction enjoying the loss of the bumming and tossing around that happens to me every time I drive on the secret road that led form the city to my hidden house. A soon as I touched the first tare road I saw the trees thin out and the large pollution of the tall buildings, early traffic, rude people, and the complete and utter messy population that was the city. I didn’t change my speed as I drove into the supernatural area of the city. Sure we were all scattered throughout the place with our shops and what not I mean us supernatural creatures had to make a living to, but most gravitated toward what us mythical creatures liked to call the Supernatural Mall, which was a nice way of saying dirty clubs, expensive resorts and day spas,  businesses that supplied the best legal and illegal everything (clothes, weapons, lawyers, bodyguards, assassins and anything else you can imagine) and then at the very middle of all the supernatural mall sat a simple two story office.

The office was modern and very clean cut, yet it held no sign or any type of  give away as to what it hold inside, it was boring compared to the rest of the city strip, but none the less it was only 6 in the morning and the line to the office was already 23 people long.  I parked right outside and every one froze to look at my car. I shut off the engine and pocketed the keys I exited my car quickly but I held myself with confidence and grace. The 20 or so people in the line stared at me with respect as I drew close to the building, as soon as I was within 10 meters the shouting began.

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