December 12th

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Time was running out. There were only six days until Secret Santa. Both of the boys had almost no idea what they were going to get each other. All throughout class, Cody couldn't stop thinking about the kiss, not even when he was about done his final assignment for his intro to computing class.

All that was going on in Cody's mind was his mom, his ex-girlfriend, and Noah. Once he got to the lobby, he contemplated taking the elevator to visit him. At the front door, he saw a delivery driver with a bag of food.

Cody quickly held the door open for the driver. "Do you know a Noah S. or is that you?"

"Oh, I know him," Cody exclaimed. "I'll take it from here, sir."

Before leaving, Cody gave the delivery driver an extra $5. He ran to the elevator to bring food to Noah. At the door, Cody was about to knock when Noah already opened the door; presumably on his way to pick up his order.

"Cody," he sounded shocked.

"Got your food," Cody giggled.

"Oh, thanks. That's kind of you. Don't just stand there; come in."

Without another word, Cody went into Noah's room. He took a seat on the floor and stared at Noah like he didn't know what to do next. They both felt strange and happy about the kiss. Deep down, Cody wanted more.

"Hey, I wanted to talk to you," said Noah. "Look, I know I should've asked before kissing you, but I did some talking to Izzy of all people. Maybe that fucked me a little."

"Don't worry," Cody laughed. "Honestly, when you did it, I felt better. Say, what are you doing on Friday?"

"What's that, the 15th? I was going to be cleaning the dorm before winter break, but if you have something else in mind, I'm listening."

Cody was eating his words from the start of the month. He desired a relationship, but only with one person. Last night, he could hardly sleep because Noah's kiss kept him awake.

"I have a plan," Cody exclaimed. "We could go to Rideau Canal again. Now that there's more snow, it'll look better. And I found this Italian restaurant that's not far away, so we can grab dinner before sightseeing. What do you think?"

Noah was surprised at how much Cody had planned. Thanks to Izzy, he knew exactly how this boy made him feel. However, there was one thing he was worried about. Noah feared Cody was only using him to get Sierra away from him.

Before speaking, he took some time to think. He liked Cody, a person he would usually find repulsive. The last thing he wanted was to be used by someone he showed interest in.

"Actually, can we do it tonight?" Noah asked, completely out of the blue.

The request came off as a surprise to Cody. Neither of them knew of the other's feelings for them. Noah asking to go out tonight made Cody's stomach do flips, his heart rapidly beating.


"Right," Cody stammered. "You really want to go out tonight?"

"Yes. Also I may or may not have a crush on you."

Deep down, Cody wanted to start dancing. Noah went from a cold hearted Grinch to a happy child on Christmas morning. His heart grew three sizes with Cody, but only with Cody.

"The feeling is mutual," Cody awkwardly laughed. "Yeah, I'd be happy to go out at 8:30. So, it's a date?"

Noah nodded as Cody left to go back to his dorm. Back in Cody and Tyler's dorm, the geek spent a while pairing clothes with a sport coat he had. The door to his room was open and Tyler got Cody's attention once he came back home.

"It's date night, Tyler," Cody squealed. "Uh, which shirt looks better with a black sport coat?"

Cody was quick to realize he and Tyler weren't alone. Lindsay came in through the door; lucky for Cody, she was a fashionista. He waved to her for help.

"Dude's got a date, babe," said Tyler. "What shirt looks best with the coat?"

"My question is why are you wearing a sport coat on a first date?" asked Lindsay.

Cody let out a sigh and fell on his bed. "The coat belonged to my dad. He wore this coat when he proposed to my mom. Ever since he passed away, I've considered this coat an heirloom and I've worn it to every first date."

"Every first date is a little strange," said Lindsay. "But if you have your reasons, I won't pry. Can I see the shirts?"

Nodding, Cody held up two different shirts on coat hangers. Lindsay got a look at the options, one being a long sleeved button-up and the other being a polo shirt. Even she was stumped.

To give Lindsay a better idea, Cody tried on both shirts with the sport coat. He checked his watch, hoping Lindsay would give him an answer soon. In the end, she decided the button-up would look better. Cody thanked her, grabbed his wallet, and ran out the door.

The restaurant, an East Side Mario's, wasn't super far from campus, so Noah managed to arrive just fine. He spotted Cody at a table and waved him down. Noah hung his coat on a rack behind him and took a seat across from Cody.

"Wow, heh, you look nice," Cody giggled awkwardly.

"You do, too," Noah replied.

"Oh, I just got us waters, if that's okay."

Nodding, Noah reached for his glass. He took the time to admire all that was in front of him. Cody appeared to be well kept. Even while eating the unending garlic bread, Cody kept out a watch for Sierra, scared she would show up.

The cycle repeated itself even after Noah and Cody got their entrées. Noah looked up from his chicken parmigiana and finally said something to Cody.

"What are you looking for?"

"Just trying to make sure Sierra doesn't find us," said Cody.

"If you're that worried, we can just get takeout boxes, okay?" Noah suggested.

Cody felt bad, but agreed to Noah's idea. Because he initiated the date, Cody paid for both meals and ran out the door as quickly as he could. Noah walked out, but not before leaving a $20 tip for the server.

"So, Rideau Canal?"

"Yep," Cody exclaimed.

The walk from the restaurant to Rideau Canal was not far away. There was a light snowfall, tiny flakes decorating both boys' hair. Noah held onto Cody and gave him a scarf. The gesture brought a smile to Cody's face. Noah stared at the sky in silence, eager to find some stars.

"Oh, Cody," he softly gasped. "Look. Shooting star. Make a wish."

With a grin, Cody closed his eyes and thought about what to wish for. He kept thinking, all while Noah had something planned.

"Keep those eyes closed."

Cody did as he was asked. The cold winter chill hit his cheeks like a slap to the face. Noah knew he could distract Cody before kissing his cold cheek. Cody giggled and opened his eyes. He smiled at Noah, who never seemed to smile.

He watched the wing tangle up Noah's bangs, hiding one of his eyes from the cold. Cody reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a pair of small gloves. Soon, he offered a pair to Noah, which he graciously accepted.

"Excuse me?"

Cody heard a feminine voice and turned around. He looked around for any sign of a woman in distress. Sighing, Noah ran after him.

"Hello?" the voice called again.

"Wait, Cody," Noah exclaimed. "Don't go to the voice!"

"Oh, relax," Cody laughed. "It's not like she's gonna hurt me."

Out of the blue, Cody was tackled by a mysterious figure. He fell in the snow, but didn't enjoy his clothes getting wet. Noah ran over to help Cody on his feet.


"Dear Lord," Noah said slowly.

That was when Cody fainted, landing in the snow again.

A Cody Anderson Christmas (A Noco Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now