December 21st

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At last, Noah got some time out of the house to meet up with Cody at the hospital. He was shocked to find out he had stayed there all night. When Noah arrived, he discovered Cody wasn't alone; he had been sleeping in the lobby with Heather.

Noah stood by the doors with a breakfast sandwich for Cody. While waiting, he took a seat on the bench next to Heather. There was no sign of Cody, so Noah assumed he was with Krystal.

Heather looked over at Noah, whose face was bright red from the cold. "Yikes, you've clearly had better days."

"Thanks, I appreciate it," Noah replied sarcastically.

Noah saw the elevator doors open with Cody on the other side. He quickly ran to him and threw his sandwich in his direction. Cody fumbled, but still managed to catch it.

"I figured I'd come here now since my family's taking the kids ice skating right now," said Noah. "Tomorrow, I'm taking them to the Yorkdale Mall. You guys wanna come?"

"I can't," said Heather.

"Me neither," Cody said sadly. "I told Sierra's folks I'd go to her funeral."

"Are you crazy?!" Noah and Heather asked in unison.

Cody shook his head. "She was not a good person, but I made a promise to her mom."

Heather dragged Cody into the corner of the lobby to talk to him. Noah sat on the bench, confused what this was all about.

"Would you still go to her funeral if she killed one of us?" Heather asked.

"No," Cody was perplexed.

His answer made Heather want to slap him. Cody refused to elaborate, as he didn't want her prosthetic knee caps in his crotch. Noah stood up and joined the two in the corner. He put a hand on Heather's shoulder and lightly moved her back.

"I think what Heather is trying to say is you probably shouldn't go," he said. Before Noah could continue speaking, a lightbulb went off in his head. "Unless you show up to put her on blast."

"In death?" Cody panicked. "What kind of a person would I be if I did that?!"

"You'd be the kind of person who told your abuser's family the truth," said Heather. "That way, their Christmas isn't ruined. There was an abuser in their family and they got their just desserts."

Noah scoffed and laughed. However, Cody's head began hurting from thinking so much. He took a walk around the entire hospital - including walking down every hall on every floor - to try and cool off. With Cody occupied, Noah tried to search for him. Even calling and texting him didn't help.

The last stop was on the second floor in front of Krystal's room. Noah knocked on the door, waited a few seconds, and came in. Thankfully, no procedures were being done on Krystal at the moment. There was no sign of Cody though.

"Noah?" Krystal asked weakly. "Where's Cody?"

"I don't know," said Noah, taking a seat by the bed. "He took a walk around the building to calm down, but now I can't find him."

"Calm down? Is he okay?"

Noah shook his head. "He's stressing out about going to Sierra's funeral. Heather and I gave him shit for it, but he's putting his foot down."

The news was surprising to Krystal, to say the least. She knew how terribly Sierra treated Cody and was shocked he'd go to her funeral. Noah sighed and moved his chair closer to Krystal's bed.

"I might sound crazy, but I think he's not over her. Let me tell you something, Krystal. If I were in that situation where someone abused me to the point of our relationship ending and they died, hell, I wouldn't go to their funeral."

A Cody Anderson Christmas (A Noco Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ