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It was presentation day.

I'm so nervous I can't even begin to listen to the names Captain Fitzgibbons is listing off. My body continuously fidgets and fidgets and I can't get it to stop!

I think I heard Violet tell Rhiannon today that statistically, today will be one of the deadliest days for first years. Fucking great for me I guess.

In order to get to the flight field, we'll have to climb the Gauntlet first. Everything about the Riders Quadrant is designed to weed out the weak, and today is no exception. But I won't be weeded out ... not by the Gauntlet at least, maybe by the dragons. I hope not.

Someone bumps right into being as the final names are called, making me pay attention to what Aetos is saying. "Second- and third-years, unless you're on Gauntlet duty, head to class. First-years, it's time to show us what you've got." Dain forces a smile as he looks at our squad.

"Good luck today." Imogen tucks an errant strand of pink hair behind her ear and aims a sickly-sweet smile right at Violet. "Hopefully you won't fall... short."

I snort at that causing Violet to send me a withering look but I just shrug and pick at my nails.

"See you later," I reply, lifting my chin.

She stares at me and Imogen with complete loathing for a second, then walks off.

"Good luck, Teag." Imogen claps me on the shoulder before also turning and walking away with Quinn and Cianna, our executive officer.

"Back into formation," Dain orders as lots of us were milling around, talking to friends in older age groups or other squads.

I look around but Xaden isn't here. Neither is Garrick or Bodhi, and Liam is already with his squad, talking to a bunch of other guys.

"Are you going with us?" Violet asks Dain with those romantic eyes of hers.

He nods.

The eight of us fall into two lines of four, the same as the other squads around us. Unfortunately for me, I'm right next to Violet and her gang of friends.

"We're the biggest squad," Ridoc notes behind us as the squads farthest left—from First Wing—file out through the western gate in the courtyard.

"What are we down to?" Tynan asks. "Hundred and eighty?"

"Hundred and seventy-one," Dain answers. Squads from Second Wing begin to move, led by their wingleader, which means Xaden is somewhere ahead of us.

"For a hundred dragons? But what will we..." Trina asks, nerves cutting off her words.

"Stop letting fear leach into your voice," Luca snaps from behind Rhiannon. "If the dragons think you're a coward, you'll be nothing but a name tomorrow."

"She says," Ridoc narrates, "inducing more fear."

"Shut up," Luca fires back. "You know it's true."

"Just portray confidence, and I'm sure you'll be fine." Violet suggests.

"Thanks," Trina whispers in reply.

Thanks for nothing. If the dragons decide your toast — you're toast, nothing more you can do.

My squad starts to talk in some jibber jabber but I don't participate in any of it. The longer I stay here the more I realize that I have no friends. Part of me is okay with that because I do have friends outside my squad, but I know that squads are suppose to be friends and I do feel a pang of sadness when Garrick and Xaden talk about their squad — which they shared.

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