Assorted species info

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December 11, 2023

* A group of dragons is called a thunder, a wing, or a horde
* they eat fish, sheep, cow, pigs, deer, anything they can get their talons on.
* dragons don't molt, they shed
* A baby dragon is called a hatchling, while a small adult dragon is a dragonet (we'd technically be a dragonet :])
* Dragon scales are harder than diamonds, which is why they're hunted
* a group of dragon eggs is called a clutch
* Dragons can hoard anything, not just gold and jewels!
* Dragons prefer to live in caves and deep caverns
* Some dragons have gills, and are able to breathe underwater (we are one of them!)

* A group of sirens is called a choir, a chorus, or a gossip.
* The original sirens were friends of Persephone but were cursed to become monsters because they failed to stop hades from taking her.
* they grow and lose teeth regularly, they are often misidentified as shark-teeth by humans.
* Sirens can control fish, humans and even other mythicals with their voice!
* They have powerful night vision
* they can control water (hydrokinesis)
* Sirens are gender-fluid
* Much like fish, Sirens don't sleep.

* A group of perytons is called a rangale, a flock, or a herd.
* they lay eggs as hard as metal
* they're extremely fast
* both male and female perytons have antlers

We're looking for a pack, if anyone's interested! We don't care about what kind of mythic you are, but it'd be nice to find some who are the same species as us! We'd prefer if you're our age too!

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