Chapter 3.4

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March 26th, 2006


It's my day off and I decided to make pork chops with mashed potatoes and green beans for lunch and decided to take some to my dad. Sam asked if I wanted him to come along but I told him to stay with the others and enjoy their break from patrol as lately, they haven't been getting much of those.
I pull into the driveway to see dad coming out to help me, already knowing that I brought him food as I always do when I visit.
"Andy, this is enough to feed a family."
"Good, then you'll have some for about three days." I joke and he chuckles, nodding his head in agreement.
"Come on, let's get inside and out of this rain." Dad says, carrying the food as I follow behind.
"Bella out?" I ask, still a little angry about the other day, but I have calmed down.
"Yes, and your mom called the other day. She's not too happy about the baby. I don't know what's wrong with her." He sighs out and I can see he's angry and confused. He has always hated speaking down on Renee in front of me, but he can't help it when she acts this way.
"I don't really care what she thinks, you know that." I tell him, making him a plate of food and a glass of water.
"I know, thank you." He takes the plate and begins eating. "You gonna eat?"
"Not hungry." I smile at him.
"So, have you decided a date for the wedding?" Dad asks me, a look of happiness in his eyes, it's always there when we discuss these things which makes me happy. It's comforting to know my dad likes Sam enough to be happy about me marrying.
"Umm...sort of." I say, nervous of his reaction to what I am going to say next. "Sam and I agreed that it would be best to wait until after the baby is born. Money and budgeting and all that."
"I have money saved for you. It's not much-"
"Dad, you don-"
"I started saving a bit for both you and Bella, for your weddings. Yours can be used for whatever you want, but you are taking it. Use it on the baby or the wedding, I don't care, but let me help you out."
"We are saving ourselves."
"Let your old man be happy, yeah?" He asks, making me nod and agree to take the money, he always knows what card to pull to get me to works most of the time.
"At least tell me how much?"
"Enough to help out." He answers, a gleam of mischief in his eyes that has us both chuckling. "So, how's Sam doing?"
"He's good, busy more than usual with rez stuff, but we're both doing good. He's excited for the baby, even though it's just so early."
"I never actually asked but how far along are you?"
"Two months and four days."
"That's great, before you know it, you'll be finding out the gender." He smiles before taking a sip of his water.
"Yeah, we truly can't wait. We need to get started on the nursery, but I want to wait until we know."
"You could do it before, just neutral, you know? That is what we did with both you and Bella."
"I know, but I want to know. I think it makes it a bit more fun, time consuming once we know, but still fun."
"Yeah, it's a very you choice to make." Dad laughs before he soon turns serious and what looks like nervous. "Bella graduates this June, I would like you to be there, Andy."
"Dad." I sigh out, not knowing what to say. Part of me wants to be there, to be a good sister no matter the situation between us, but at the same time, I don't want to be the only one putting in the effort.
"I remember when you graduated. I know you didn't truly not want your mother and sister there, I saw the slight drop in your smile when you looking in the crowd. I know you two are rocky, but I also know that you will regret it if you don't go. It's on June third at nine in the morning. Just let me know if I need to save you and Sam seats." He says and I nod, promising him that I would think about whether or not Sam and I would be going.

"So how was seeing your dad?" Sam asks as him and ai are eating supper with the pack scattered around the kitchen and Leah in the living room.
"Good, he wants us to go to Bella's graduation." I tell him, looking down at my plate and see Jacob perk up and starting to listen at the mention of my little sister.
"And?" Sam asks, not giving away if he believes I should go or not.
"I don't know."
"She's your sister." Jacob cuts in but is quickly hushed by his two best friends, causing him to roll his eyes.
"He says that I will regret it if I don't go because of how I felt when her and mom didn't come to mine, and maybe that is true. But at the same time, I don't want to have to deal with the stress of listening to my mother." I say, deciding to ignore Jacob's constant comments that he continues to whisper - loudly, might I add - to himself.
"I get that you don't want to be stressed, I for one don't want you stressed. But, I do agree with your dad. I know you, you'll feel bad about not going, but it is completely your decision." Sam says and I begin to feel grateful for him but also a little frustrated.
"Why is it always my decision?" I huff out.
"Because it's your family." He says with a smartass smile on his face.
"It's only always my family because your mom hates me." I sigh out and the kitchen goes silent, everyone stops what they're doing due to my words.
"Andy, she doesn't hate you."
"I told you to never lie to me, correct?"
"Yes." Sam sighs out, knowing that what I said was true.
"So, then don't." I say, sternly. "My mom hates me too, so don't worry, I'm used to the feeling." I slightly joke and slightly tell the truth, now regretting that I made the atmosphere awkward.
"Samuel." I say in the same tone. "Eat and hush."

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