Chapter 4.1

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June 6th, 2006


It's late at night when Sam and I's movie night is interrupted by his phone ringing. Called I.D. says it's Jacob.

There's an army...of course, there is a f*cking army of vampires coming. Why wouldn't there be? And they are after Bella, which puts my dad in danger as well as they live together.
"Everything is going to be okay." Sam says, rubbing my shoulder.
"You, or the guys, or Leah, or even my dad could get hurt, Sam! It's not fine, nothing is fine because of that stupid family!" I exclaim and he nods his head, understanding my point of view. Understanding my fear of losing someone I hold dear to me.

It's the next day, I've calmed down slightly but am still worried. The boys are happy to get to kill some vampires, but after meeting the Cullen's, they were informed these vampires are different from the ones the boys have faced before. These vampires are younger, stronger, faster, but Quill also said they are dumber, that they're driven by instinct not their brains. So there's hope the boys will win.
I'm currently plating the "everything" burgers and two big bowls of fries I made for dinner when I hear Jake's motorcycle engine approach. 'Great, Bella is here.' Everyone agreed that she should spend some time here while some boys ready, some patrol the rez, and the others patrol Dad's house to protect him. The Cullen's are patrolling also, but Sam said they have to take time off to feed and search around for the leading vampire of this operation.
"Hey, Andy." Jacob greets me, a smile so wide that only the girl that can make him just as depressed puts on his face, just then said girl walks sister.
"Hey, Jake. Could you call the boys for dinner? I think they're all asleep."
"Yeah." Jacob leaves the kitchen, in search of all the remaining shapeshifters in the house as Leah, Jared, and Paul are the ones out patrolling. Which leaves Jake to find Quill, Embry, Seth, and Sam in the house. Seth is supposed to be finishing his English essay as he "couldn't focus" at home, but I know he's probably passed out instead.
"Sorry that I missed the dinner." Bella mutters.
"No, you aren't. But it's whatever now, Bella." I say as I make each boy and myself and Bella a plate.
"What do you me-."
"I mean that I am done with you." I cut her off as everyone files into the kitchen. "I'm done trying to get to know you, to be a family, because you aren't doing the same. You never have tried and you never will, so I'm giving up on you. Now, eat your food."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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