☆Forest Beauty☆

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"How's training with the Tsahik and Olo'eyktan's daughter, hm?" Ronal asked her son, sharpening her blade, it was getting dull, after hunting so much it's hard to keep sharp. Ao'nung rolled his eyes, his mother always asked this and it kind of annoyed him, though he'd never tell, or else he'd already be with Eywa.

"It's going fine ma, she speaks of the way of this jungle a lot, I remember her saying she'd teach me how to track in the forest, so no one has to accompany me. " Ao'nung spoke, he had an accent yes, but it was hard to hear. It was like she heard him because as soon as he stopped talking, he heard footsteps from behind him, he turned around and saw her in front of him, she moved her hand motioning for him to follow. Ao'nung quickly stood from the ground following behind her. 

In truth his feet grew stronger but he still had to learn. He found comfort in the forest, always looking at his surroundings, listening close to everything. Though today had been different, usually they'd say nothing to one another on their walk to train but this time Neteyam quickly spoke. "The forest holds many dangers, especially it's beauty, it can pull you in in an instant, which is why you must learn your ways around, you won't have me all the time to guide you." Neteyam said, speaking calmly yet it held a rough tone, it held comfort and toughness.

Aonung hearing Neteyam speak made him turn his attention away from the forest and turn to Neteyam, looking at her from behind, one thing he had barely noticed was how she had a similar build to her mother's build, a normal build for a Na'vi girl but like her mother she had some muscle, she didn't sway much but if you pay close attention you can see small sways as she walked.

Maybe he had fallen to far into the forest and it's people but he'd grown to like Neteyam more than anything, he'd almost felt jealous of Ro'ku, which was embarrassing to admit but it had been the truth.

Though as he zoned out they'd made it to where the Omatikaya wanted them to be, Had he barely snapyoit of it and noticed it was raining, maybe he was still used to the water that he wouldn't notice when it was raining. She crouched down dipping her finger in a puddle of water, it was muddy which grossed Ao'nung out but he watched as she licked it, though it didn't faze her as she held her hand over the prints slowly following making Ao'nung sigh as he followed, crouching down.


They'd stood on top of a tree again, a question disturbing Ao'nung as Neteyam tracked prints on the branch. "When will I hunt?" Aonung asked so suddenly making Neteyam look back. "When the forest allows, when you are ready." All she replied with followed by a small smile, she'd talked more with him, saying his name a few times, this meant progress to him, like his mission was no longer to learn their ways but to swoon her over.

Neteyam held her hand out for him, making him look at her surprised yet excited, his heart skipped a beat as he took her hand, she had rough yet soft skin, it made sense, comfort washed him away, Neteyam laughed to herself looking to the tracks bringing his hand to touch it. Aonung had forgotten their training and only focused on her for a while.

He noticed how people looked at his hand in disgust, only seeing his extra finger yet she didn't care, she stood patient with him, like his finger didn't matter to her. And this made him happy yet sad and confused, everyone would look at him like he was a freak, always noticing him as the boy with an extra finger, a "demon" was all everyone saw, it got to the point he felt like an outcast so when she didn't bash on him for being the son of a former sky person he felt happy that he had someone who didn't see him for his finger.


Neteyam smiled, trailing behind Ao'nung as he successfully tracked the grounds, making note of everything, being aware, Neteyam watched him happy, her teachings weren't being put to waste. Though he'd always catch her off guard, look back at her with a wide smirk or grin, helping her when she could do something for herself, talking nicely with her, listening carefully to her.


They'd continue to look back on his earlier lessons, always coming back to archery.

Aonung stood tall, holding the bowstring tight, paying close attention, his face looked almost stern, he looked almost perfect. Neteyam looked, holding her hand onh his shoulder, though she wanted to make sure everything was perfect, or maybe to get close? She boldly came close, slightly letting their upper bodies touch, holding her arm under his to make sure it was perfect, looked forward, where the arrow pointed.  Aonung looked at her, almost affectionate, looking down at her eyes, Neteyam felt eyes, turning her focus to his own face, meeting his face watching her startled her, moving her head back a bit, though she paid attention to his face, her tense feeling leaving as she watched his face close, looked down a bit before moving her eyes up again.

And something made her warm up, moving away from him, turning her eyes to the target, nudging her heat at it, clicking her tongue, motioning for him to shoot, Ao'nung shook his head with a slight chuckle, releasing the arrow from his grip, watching the arrow hit the tree made them being the grin widely, they both looked at one another, no longer smiling, just staring at each other.

Again a warm and weird feeling hitting Neteyam, making her look away. Eywa, had she fallen for the 'outcast'?


Word Count: 993

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been so busy and whenever I would finally get the time to write I'd get too exhausted to do anything but cry, though I hope you can forgive me and I hope you can enjoy this. <3


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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