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It's getting to the end of their shift now and they start to close. JJ's washing up in the kitchen when he sees kiara walk through and out of the back door. That was his usual spot for his smoke break. He looks around and no one's about, he hesitates a moment but decides to follow her out. When he steps out he sees her sat on the steps lighting the cigarette in her mouth.

"Didn't have you down as a smoker" he smirks, making her turn to notice him, she takes a drag before replying.

"I'm full of surprises"

He takes a seat next to her. And she offers him the smoke, he's a little surprised but takes it and has a couple drags before giving it back.

"Erm .. I should have said thank you before ...... so thank you"

She raises an eyebrow

"For not telling your dad? You could've of got me in a lot of trouble if you told him"

"don't worry about it" she shrugs

"Why didn't you?"

"JJ I just moved here, I'm not looking to get anyone in trouble"

"Besides, if I had you'd probably dislike me even more then you already do so ..." she takes another drag.

"What makes you think that I don't like you?"

She raises an eyebrow "seriously?"

He laughs a little " it's not that I don't like you, I don't even know you, you just caught me at a bad moment last night"


"But you did call me an asshole"

"Yeah ... you were acting like one? I call it how I see it" she smirks

"Fair enough" he shrugs "But just so you know, I'm not always an asshole"

"Somehow I'm not entirely convinced" she teases

"Why's your dad got you working here anyway? It's not like you need the money, he's loaded"

"My mums orders" she looks out ahead of her.


"Yep" she sighs

"And for the record, he wasn't always like that, when I lived her when I was little .. we lived on the cut"

"Really?" He says surprised


"So I'm not some stuck up princess if that's what you were thinking"

"I didn't think that" he says honestly

"You said it, ivory tower remember?"

"I didn't mean that" he sighs remembering the other night.

She turns to look at him, surprised that he said that, and even more surprised that he sounds like he means it. She smiles a little but her eyes linger on him a little too long and he looks away.

"Anyways I heard your quite the rebel" he says changing the subject.

"Oh and where'd you hear that?" She asks surprised

"Your dad. He said you were having some 'problems' at your old school. I mean I've heard that before, it's just code for you were a bit of a shit"

"Of course you've heard that before" she teases him again. "I guess you could call it that, I hated school there" she adds

"How come?" 

"It was a fucking prison, and then with all the stuff with my family, I was just so angry all the time"

Maybe they do have something in common he thinks to himself.

"What stuff?"

"My parents divorce was .... Messy ... to say the least, and I was always caught in the middle, I never got to see my dad and my mum moved a total stranger in to live with us" she says getting annoyed thinking back on it.

"So you didn't like him then?"

"Would you like someone who tore your whole family apart?" She snaps

"Sorry, it just ... fucks me off" she adds realising she sounded harsh.

"Trust me I get it, no need to be sorry"

"You too?"

"Yeah my mum left when I was little, I live with my dad"

"But I bet she didn't run of with her personal trainer"

"He was her personal trainer?"



"Impressive right?" She jokes

"And he's like 15 years younger than her aswell, it's just totally weird ... I mean he's closer in age to me"

"Yeah that's definitely weird" he agrees

"Thank you!" She says as he's like the only person who's ever agreed either with her on that.

"Does everyone know? About my mum I mean"

"Err... kind of"

"Great" she sighs

"It's all good though, everyone in the outer banks has there own fair share of drama trust me"

"Hey guys I'm finished out here so I'm gunna head of" Ben (another guy who works there) pops his head out the back door .

"Ok, see you tomorrow!" Kie shouts back as he leaves

"Your working tomorrow?" JJ asks

"I told you, I don't have a choice"

"Are you?" She asks

"Yeah, I pretty much take all the shifts I can get"

"So I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other then"

"I guess so"

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