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Kiara wakes up to her alarm with a sore head, she'd cried herself to sleep last night. She just can't get her head around the fact that the people that are supposed to love her the most in this world ... don't believe in her. It's a hard pill to swallow.

She just lies in bed for a while, staring at the ceiling.

Eventually she drags herself out of bed and puts on the first items of clothes she can see, some grey joggers and a white crop top, she slips on her white trainers, shoved her hair in a bun, grabs her backpack and heads downstairs. She tries to be as quiet as possible as she walks down, she sees her dad in the kitchen with his back to her, she just couldn't be arsed to deal with that conversation right now so she slips out the front door and gets in her car.

At school She's putting some books in her locker when someone sneaks up on her.

"Hey!" John B makes her jump


"Thanks for what you did for JJ last night, he told me"


"Not telling your dad I mean"

"Oh that"

"Yeah you could of got him into some big trouble if you had" John B smirks

"Right" Kie mutters

"You ok?"

"Me yeah, I'm fine" she turns to him

"Ok. Will I see you later?"


"John B! Come on we're gunna be late!" Sarah walks quickly up to him. "Oh hey Kie" she smiles

Kiara does her best to smile back and then they both walk of to their lesson. Kie takes a deep breath and heads of in the opposite direction to hers.

When she walks in she looks around for a seat, and it just happens that the only free one was next to JJ. Great.

"Hey" he says as she sits down

"Hey" she sighs

"So is miss Barnes strict then?" She asks about her new teacher

"She's the worst"



Kie drives straight from school to work. She knows when she walks in she's gunna have to speak to her dad, there's no avoiding him here.

She walks into the kitchen to grab her apron, as she does she spots JJ walk in too.

"So what brings you here" he teases

She smiles a little but that's wiped of her face when she sees her dad enter.

"Kiara, can I speak to you in my office please" he says very formally. She just stares at him.

"Now?" He adds

She rolls her eyes and follows him.

"Dad I'm here to work I just wanna get on with it" she sighs

"You're not still angry with me are you?" He asks "I said I was sorry"

"For what?" She narrows her eyes "sorry we argued or sorry for not believing me?"

"For all of it, but .. that isn't why I called you in here"

"Ok then what is it?" She asks confused

"I erm need you to stay late tonight, do some admin for me"

"Why me?"

"Because your the only one I trust to do it, employees arnt really meant to so .."

"So why can't you do it?"

"Because! I'm going out tonight"

"Going where?"

He sighs deeply "...on a date if you must know"

"A date?" She scoffs but quickly realised he isn't joking

"Your serious?"

"Deadly serious"

"Great" she mutters

"What was that?" He says sounding firmer

"It's just fucking great dad! Isn't our family already fucked up enough as it is?!"

"Kiara don't be so damn rude!"

"Rude? Can you blame me? After everything that happened when mum got a boyfriend?"

"Not this again" he sighs "Kiara I spoke to Sean ok"


"Yes when your mum rang yesterday, I spoke to him"


"Nothing happened"

"Nothing happened?" Kiara repeats his words in shock

"I know you might have felt like you weren't getting enough attention with me and your mum separating ..."

"Are you fucking kidding me? Attention? You think I'm doing all this for some kind of attention?" Her eyes gloss over "this whole thing happened because I was getting attention from him that I didn't fucking want!"

"Stop swearing"

"Why don't you ever listen to me? I'm your daughter! And I told you what he did ... and what? You spoke to him and you've decided I'm lying?"

"We can't talk about this here ok? Now Will you please do that extra work I asked you to do?"

**knock knock

"Come in" Mike says

"Hi erm .. sorry I just wanted to ask you something" JJ says noticing Kiaras upset. Their eyes meet but she turns away to wipe the tears from her face.

"It's ok, kiara was just leaving" Mike says not even looking at her.

She just nods her head a little trying to fight back her tears and walks out.

"What did you want to ask me?"

"Oh erm just for this weeks rota"

"Right yes" Mike rummages through some papers on his desk. "Here it is" he hands it to JJ


When JJ returns to the kitchen he can't see her anywhere.

"Hey Ben where kiara?"

"Outside I think" he shrugs as he takes a plate out.

JJ nods and heads towards the back door and outside and sure enough .. there she was.

He sits down next to her and she turns to look at him.

"This is becoming a regular occurrence "

"Are you ok?"

"Never better" she replies sarcastically

"I heard you guys shouting so ... I thought you could do with a save"

A look of realisation washes over kies face "so you came in on purpose?"

He nods

"Thanks .. I guess"

"Sounded serious"

"Yeah" she whispers taking a drag

"but it's not my business"

She stays quiet for a minute just staring blankly out in front of her.

"He thinks I'm a liar" she whispers and her voice wobbles

"Lying about what?" He asks intrigued

"Just Something that happened before I came here ... it doesn't matter"

She puts her head in her hands "he has no idea what it's like ... moving here, starting a new school, trying to make friends..."

" but it doesn't look like your having issues making friends are you?"

"Except with you apparently"

JJ doesn't know what to say, the truth is he does want to be friends with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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