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After JJ's shift he heads to the chateau, he didn't want to stay at his dads tonight, just like most nights.

"Soo ... how was work" John B asks as he walks through the door

"Same as always" JJ says casually, getting a beer from the fridge.

"Oh come on give me more then that! Was Mike mad at you?"

"Actually ... no, kiara didn't tell him"

"She didn't?" John B sits up surprised

JJ shakes his head.

"Wow, why? You were an ass to her?"

"She said she just didn't want to get me in trouble?" He shrugs

"Oh did she now" he teases

"Shut up" JJ takes a seat next to him on the couch

"I'm just saying, she must like you"

"What?" He laughs

" a friend I mean, don't get excited"

"Whatever" JJ rolls his eyes

"So now she's done you a favour are you gunna try and be a bit nicer?" John B smirks

"I am nice!" JJ throws a cushion at him.


"Hey sweetie, how was your first shift" Mike greets kiara as she comes home.

"Ok I guess" she shrugs

"That good huh" Mike laughs

"Oh your mum called earlier" he adds

"She called you?" She asks surprised, her parents barely ever speak

"Yes because apparently you've been ignoring her calls?"

"I've been busy"


"Dad don't! you know full well why I don't want to speak to her?!"

Mike sighs "because of what happened with Sean (her stepdad) before you left"

She nods

"She took his side! Over her own daughter?"

"Kiara she's still your mum, you should hear her out"

"dad please I just can't deal with her right now ok? I'm going to bed" she heads of upstairs

She shuts her bedroom door and lets out a deep breath, she just wasn't ready to see or speak to her mum. A couple of days before she left, her so called loving boyfriend Sean ... tried it on with her. And when she told her mum she completely flipped on her and accused her of being a liar, she even slapped her. After that she couldn't carry on living with them so that's why she's with her dad. Her mum still doesn't believe her and she's still with that fucking asshole Sean, and whilst that's happening kiara doesn't want anything to do with her.

An hour later

**knock knock

Kiara takes her headphones off.

"Hey I'm sorry if I upset you before"

"Whatever it doesn't matter"

"Yes it does, whatever I feel about your mum I don't want you to not have a relationship with her, we need to sort this out"

"There's nothing to sort!" Her eyes gloss over "if she still thinks I would lie about something like that then ... there's nothing to talk about?"

Mike looks down.

"Oh my god .... You don't believe me either do you?" A tear drops down her face.

"I've met Sean, he seems like a decent guy.." her dad says

"Seems being the key word there" she rolls her eyes "he isn't a decent guy dad! He's a complete asshole!" She cries

"I'm sorry"

"Why? You think I'm a liar aswell?"

"I.." he starts

"Please just go ... I don't wanna talk about this anymore" she wipes her eyes.

He sighs deeply before leaving "goodnight" the door closes.

She just buried her head into her pillow. She'd hoped that coming her would let her escape all of this. But I guess that was too good to be true.

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