Chapter Eighteen: A Question of Strength

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The study held a quiet intimacy as both Silas and Dawn immersed themselves in their respective tasks. Mundane as it was, the silence between them felt different, almost domestic, a stark contrast to the usual tension that lingered in the air.

Half an hour into this unusual collaboration, Victor appeared in the doorway. He was about to knock, but the sight that greeted him gave him pause. A small, genuine smile played on his lips before he rapped gently on the doorframe.

Silas and Dawn looked up simultaneously, their silent connection interrupted.

"Ah, Victor. Come in," Silas invited, a hint of warmth in his voice.

Victor bowed respectfully. "Your Lordship. My lady."

"What is it, Victor?" Silas inquired.

"I thought I would let you know that Lord Ashcroft is here. He claims he has a meeting with you. He wishes to discuss the tax situation and the expansion of his land," Victor relayed.

Silas rubbed his eyebrow in irritation, a scowl forming on his face. "That impatient bastard... I've told him countless times that discussion will not come up until we complete the siege of the Twilight Citadel."

Dawn looked up from her book, a flicker of surprise in her eyes. The Twilight Citadel was a formidable stronghold in Vesperia, central to the kingdom's defense. The mere mention of it raised questions about the extent of Silas's lands.

Silas continued, frustration evident in his voice, "And tell him that my opinion on taxes has not changed. He will be taxed, just as all the other nobles."

Victor nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation, and prepared to leave.

"Oh, and Victor? Bring us some tea, please," Silas added, a note of civility returning to his tone.

"Right away, my lord," Victor acknowledged with a final bow before departing, leaving Silas and Dawn in the study once again.

The Twilight Citadel stood as one of Vesperia's significant landmarks, a formidable stronghold positioned strategically between Dawn's former residence in Solarus and Silas's current domain. This raised intriguing questions for Dawn about how much territory Silas controlled and how many towns they might have passed through that fell under his rule.

Overlooking the town of Dewsbury, the Twilight Citadel held crucial importance in Vesperia's defense. Controlling it would inflict a severe blow to the kingdom.

Dawn, through snippets of information gathered from passing servants, learned that Dewsbury was a town marked by stark social inequality, akin to Solarus but seemingly more extreme. The nobles within the Citadel's walls had the first rights to anything the farmers grew. However, during bountiful harvests, some of the surplus would be stored within the citadel to prevent excessive price hikes.

As Dawn pondered over this, a piece of information surfaced in her mind—possibly a nugget that could aid Silas in his siege. It was a vulnerability, a potential weak point in the citadel's defenses that, if exploited, could turn the tides in Silas's favor. Dawn debated whether to share this knowledge with Silas, her mind caught between loyalty to her kingdom and a growing understanding of the man who was unraveling the layers around her.

As Dawn continued to think, she remembered the adoring townsfolk and how they greeted Silas in Oakridge. There was no one guarding Silas against them, and they didn't seem to be threatening in any way. This, in addition to Silas insisting they tax the nobles, made her think she perhaps should help him.

Before she decided, she wanted to learn more. "The Citadel? That's ambitious," she remarked, glancing up from her book.

Silas looked up at her, a mix of weariness and determination in his eyes. "Yes, that's our target for now."

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