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Thanks little devils! This story is ranked #708 in aftonfamily

List of Ships:

William Afton × Mrs Roselle Afton

Michael Afton/Mike/Mikey × Lola Smith

Charlotte/Charlie Emily × Eli/Lizzy/Beth/Elisabeth Afton

Evan/CC Afton × Cassidy Storm

Henry Emily × Mrs Rose Emily

Gabriel Storm × Susie Smith (Jeremy's Older Twin/Lola's Younger Sister)

Fritz Storm × Jeremy Smith (Susie's Younger Twin/Lola's Younger Brother)

Samuel Emily × Ari Smith (Lola's Little Sister)

Simon Clark × Maria Storm

Terrence Afton × Mark Storm

Henry Emily, Mrs Rose Emily, Charlotte Emily, Samuel Emily, Mrs Roselle Afton, Elisabeth Afton, Elisa Afton and Lola Smith, Susie Smith, Jeremy Smith, Ali Smith, Ari Smith, Mrs Smith, Simon Clark, Mr Carl Storm, Mark Storm and Maria Storm are all lycans but no one else in the story is aware. William is half vampire and half human which only Roselle and Henry know but Elisabeth, Terrence, Lola, Simon, William and Henry know Michael is a dhampir and human hybrid.

A heat happens once a month during the months of spring and summer except when pregnant for a female wolf and a female is pregnant for 6 months, born Breeders are only pregnant for 1 month while Omegas are pregnant for 3 months.

Vampires have something called a Thrall which is like a heat/Haze (more on Hazes in a moment) but insatiable except by their fated (aka soulmate/truemate), more intense than a heat/Haze and it affects both genders equally instead of being stronger for males. A male vampire is 4 times as fertile during his Thrall. Thralls start at the age of 15 for a female vampire and 16 for a male vampire.

Hazes are similar to a heat but it affects males and the male is twice as fertile instead of being able to get pregnant like a female. Heats and Hazes start at the age of 16 for a male and female wolf. A male's Haze will go dormant while his (true)mate is carrying or nursing a kit as will the female's heat and both will restart when the kit is weaned.

Vampires are NOT immortal in my AU, they age normally before the age of 25 then after that age they still age but one year for them is 56 years and 3 months for a lycan or human. Lycans age the same way a human does but they live to be at least 600 years old as long as they shift regularly but if they don't shift regularly they only live to be 200 years old.

To break down my AU's Pack hierarchy:

Alpha: Top of the Pack, his word is law. The Pack looks to him on territorial and defense/offense matters.

Luna: The Alpha's mate and the only one who can challenge his rule, the Pack will usually look to the Luna on familial matters and Pack relationships. Lunas are not a necessity to the Pack but are helpful at times.

Enforcer: Second in charge of Pack defense and offense, is also the person new people have to go through in order to meet the Alpha and Luna if there's a Luna.

Betas: Are the guards of the Pack and investigate suspicious incidents on Pack lands, if there are none the Enforcer takes on their responsibilities. If there are conflicting orders between wolves of this rank for one Pack the other wolves go off seniority which is based on a combination of strength and age.

Breeders: Are the baby-makers of the Pack, most of them are solely there to relieve the Hazed males of the Pack.

Omegas: Are the bottom of the Pack, most Packs would rather do without them. Don't usually get the same privileges as the rest of the Pack.

Sigmas are basically teachers and are outside of the Pack hierarchy while pups don't get their rank until they turn 18; Pups are wolves from the age of 4 to the age of 18, the general term for a wolf under 18 is youngling or wolfling in some cases, wolves under the age of 4 are known as kits, any wolf older than 18 is called an elder and lycanthropes is the general term for the species but it's shortened to lycan for what they call themselves. Males are superior to females in all ranks.

In this AU there are white days and maroon days for their school, on white days Lola and Michael have lunch together while on maroon days Simon and Michael have lunch together. On both days Michael feeds from the friend/girlfriend he has lunch with to make sure he doesn't accidentally attack anyone, Michael also has bottles of emergency blood stored at the back of his locker and hidden by a jacket so he has a backup plan if either Lola or Simon is gone on their day to have lunch with him. A vampire or partial vampire needs to feed every 6 hours or every 4 hours when they're aroused, Thralling or in heat/Hazed.

The age of consent and the age to drive are both 14, the age to drink is 18, marijuana is legal for medical use at the age of 18 and recreational use at the age of 21.

If you don't like it then don't read it! It's really simple to remove this story from your library and pretend it never existed! You don't have to leave negative comments because I am human (surprise) and I do get sad and offended. If you do like my story then make sure to vote and comment or you don't have to do either and can just enjoy my story!

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