A ChristMess Miracle

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Still in disbelief about the father, Frank looks around shocked. All around people begin changing. The first people he sees effected are two men waiting in line for photos, they must have been a couple. Each wearing a nice wool sweater and jeans. However, those clothing articles quickly disappear, replaced by pristine white diapers around their waist. Just as fast does their height plummet. 5 feet below where they stood are now two little boys, giggling as their diapers turn yellow.

Further down the line Frank notices a Father with his two sons. One appears to be around 12 in a red hoodie, while the other looks much younger around 3 and in a wet diaper. But he swiftly became the cleanest out of the 3 as Frank watches the previous older brother shrink like the couple before him until he is the same height as his now twin brother and in a yellowing diaper to match. As for their father, Frank notices his pants begin to look weird, as if his underwear is expanding. He soon realizes what is happening as the fathers pants rip and disappear revealing an adult diaper around his waist. Frank watches closely as the father bends his knees slightly, letting his bowels relax, as a powerful flow of brown mushy poop empties into his diaper rear, appearing more infantile then his sons.

Yet he isn't alone, in front of him is another father and son duo. Just as quickly as the others, both their pants dissolve into thin air, replaced by fluffy diapers that they swiftly void their bladder and bowels into like toddlers.

All around the store grown men are replaced by baby versions of their former manly selves. Older brothers become twins with their formerly younger sibling. Fathers lose their pants, replaced with an infantile garment to match their little sons. And each and everyone of these glorified babies eagerly fill their new padded pampers with hefty amounts of pee and poop. As if potty training was a foreign concept in this town, every person in the mall was dumping their insides into their sagging diapers. None are the wiser to their continence alteration, they all continue to go about there day, ignoring the smell and feeling of their well used diapers, some going as far to grope theirs and others saggy behinds.

As Frank looked over at his photographer coworker, he too was now repping a yellowed diaper that was growing heavy in the back as he infantiley grunted and strained. Next to him, Ollie's father was also popping a toddler squat as he face gain a serious look off into the distance. After a few muffled grunts, a noisy crackle and splort could be heard from his rear. Although he looked more like a toddler then man, Frank couldn't help but feel some stiffness in his nether regions as he watched the dad mess himself. Lastly, Franks eyes returned back to the original culprit on his lap. The 3 year old toddler was grunting himself clearly trying to push out a stubborn log. With a little effort Frank felt a splat on his leg as Ollie's diaper bulged in the back. The little tyke letting out a heavy sigh in relaxation.

The smell was intoxicating. One minute the mall was normal, then the next it smelled like a dirty nursery. Every guy in sight had either returned to babyhood or was wearing a diaper. Either or had a full diaper around their waist, and none appeared concerned regarding the sudden change. In fact, none appeared to want a change, all were quite adamant about staying in their mushy pampers.

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