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"C'est l'heure !" (It is time !)

"Cross the line !"

"Ça va entrer dans l'histoire !" (This will go down in history !)

"Your names will forever be remembered from this day onward..."

"Nous prions pour que les rumeurs soient vraies. Un nouveau monde doit t'attendre..." (We pray the rumors are true. A new world must be waiting for you...)

"Pourquoi devrions-nous céder ? Cet endroit ne nous a donné que de la douleur." (Why ? Why should we yield ? This place has given us nothing, but pain.) Lewis said as Micah sharpened weapons. Weapons they thought they'd need on this abrupt journey... There were eight of them within this small room. Readying for war with the world around them. A war they optimistically hoped would cost no bloodshed...

Sky chimed in as he looked out the window with wonder. Eyes following the clouds that seemed so dangerous as it did welcoming. "We have only one shot. Running for it now will surely cost a price ? Are we willing to pay ?"

Felix & Peter slam their hands down on the table as energy seemed to flow through them at once, "We are more than ready ! Nothing shall stop us ! Today is the day !"

This was not an easy thing to say. Talk of another world beyond the border spread, but none were so willing to challenge the rules in place. The rule were simple. Never cross that threshold. You'll see the unimaginable. 

The rebellion was growing as more joined its ranks. Eight young boys now want to leave the only home they've ever known in the pursuit of some rumors. Rumors of a world that seemed similar, but turned upside down. Their mentor smiled as she saw the passion in them burn brighter than the rebellion' torches, "You will leave boys... You will become warriors of your own right. I couldn't be more proud of you than I am right now."

Ian grinned his devilish grin. He was the most mischievous looking of the eight & was seen as a complete wild card. A firm believer in their cause. "Nous vous rendrons fiers. Nous ne vous décevrons pas." (We will make you proud. We will not disappoint you.)


In the end, all eight made this decision unprovoked... Soon they no longer will be judged.

The path in sight was one shrouded in darkness. Crossing the border was all a singular thought shared within eight minds.

Silence being the last thing on their minds as they readied themselves. This decision is not one you can take back so easily with a few words. Either you do or let this dream die.

Were they truly prepared for what they would see ?

This was no path for the tender hearted. This was the path of those with much left to fight for...

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