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Flags, so many kinds
The ones of false blow my mind
The ones of retreat not my kind
Looking for the checkered not blind

So I seek and I will find
Another flag one of a kind
One that doesn't wear a colour or a sign
A beautiful one of a kind

There are falls of peace
Then there are flags of war
I have a special one that evens scores
Flags of love and peace not war
Yet and egal needs to soar
So I take this and turn it into a wish
From another with a dish
His thought was that good need to use more force
Atleast to fight evils corse
Or even be louder if needed
Stop the ones who start the bleeding
At all cost no stop
I'm not done with this Mike drop
It means to do whatever it takes
And stand up to stop the fakes
The ones that do the evil
The good need to be more like kenieval
Take the jump, hit the gas
Fuck the haters, they finish dead last
How's that for a wish
Start to bring your A game to this
Bring big stake not little fish
That means that if you can write
Do that in force, ignite true sight
Spread the love make things right
Do whatever you need
Even if in death and bleed
Stop the evil and their greed
How's that to plant some wishes seed

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