the abduction

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Location: shinra tower

Y/N: My name is y/n l/n and I'm 10 years old.

Y/N: Or I think I am. It's definitely been more than a few years since I got here but I've never figured out how many. So until then I'm 10 years old.

Red XIII: are you monologuing to yourself?

Y/N: I've got nothing better to do. I'm just trying to pass the time and hope they feed me today.

Red XIII: alright, then tell me how you actually got here.

Y/N: gladly.

Location: junon harbor

I was a dedicated student and loyalist. I ate up shinra propaganda like it was the only thing I had in my life. I was at every parade, I read every stamp book, I was in every soldier fanclub. I was the biggest idiot on the planet. Eventually shinra began planning an experiment. They needed someone who wouldn't ask questions, who wouldn't be suspicious, and someone who would come willingly. They installed surveillance cameras in every school. They eventually found me. They disguised it as a full time internship for SOLDIER's midgar branch. I agreed without a second thought.

Location: shinra tower

I was drugged and woke up restrained on an operating table. This creepy old guy cut into my skin and Put holes in my body. And since then I've been the subject of a experiment to see what happens if you connect the human body to materia.

I snapped out of the flashback when I heard knocking on my cage.

Hojo: time to eat up my test subjects.

Hojo slid a plate of meat in front of red XIII through a hole and dropped an orb of healing materia through my cage.

I picked it up and began smashing it against the ground in an attempt to break it into edible pieces. The thing wouldn't break as usual and I just slid the thing in my pocket.

I just sat there crying into my arms for the next little while. As I looked around I noticed something in the corner of the room.

A chain scythe.

I began to just stare at it for hours. Eventually I noticed it began moving. The chain itself wasn't what was moving. It was the materia inside it.

Eventually it stopped at the glass. The pull of the materia grew and grew until it shattered.

I heard an alarm go off and I ducked out of my cage as the cages were sealed in metal.

Y/n: red you okay?!

Red: yeah get out of here and bring help.

Y/N: on it!!!

I dove out the window and began using the scythe to slow my descent. I finally figured out what materia was in the scythe when I began running on air.

3rd POV

Hojo stood in front of the broken window watching his experiment flee. Normally he would be furious about this setback but instead he was gleeful. His experiment had been a slight success.

Hojo: interesting. So the subject can perform materia fusion without assistance. (A/n: I never played crisis core so I don't know how materia fusion was made possible in the lore. I'm going to assume that a machine was involved. I'm sorry to all the big fans.)


Eventually I landed on a roof and noticed a guy robbing another guy. I knocked out the thief and waited for the victim to flee before stealing the thief's clothes.

Y/N: these are really baggy but they will have to do.

I began making my way to the edge of the plate and eventually found the end.

I began running down and I ran down to 3/4th of the ground until I ran out of MP and was fatigued. The wind disappeared and I landed on the ground and lost consciousness.

Location: sector 7 slums

I opened my eyes to see what looks like a bar.

the 2nd experiment (male reader x yuffie) (FF7 remake)Where stories live. Discover now