Prologue: The Demon Ashikabi

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3rd POV-shinto teito

 It was a cool night in the shinto teito as the former #07 sekirei Akitsu now called the broken sekirei sat on a bench in the park with a full moon in the night shining over her, the only thing she was wearing was a lab coat with a bit of blood though not her own.

The blood belongs to her former adjuster who was the one responsible for her current conditon in the first place for being broken, why is she called the broken sekirei? Answer: because she couldn't be winged by an ashikabi, her destined one, the m...

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The blood belongs to her former adjuster who was the one responsible for her current conditon in the first place for being broken, why is she called the broken sekirei? Answer: because she couldn't be winged by an ashikabi, her destined one, the man or possible woman she was meant to be with till the end of their lives. Now that person was out of reach, denied because someone thought they knew better and did something stupid. Her former adjuster would have been punished if it wasn't for the fact he caught a small case of death by Akitsu. Akitsu broke out of M.B.I labs thanks to the growing chaos by two other escaping sekireis, the difference is that she made it out unnoticed. With her own skill  in stealth she was able to easily able to bypass security while the guard chased down the other two sekirei were more important. Most likely because they could still be winged and in the Chairman of M.B.I eyes , Minaka, a broken sekirei for the game he had planned was useless. Whatever the case is she didn't care for the Sekirei plan, all she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and die while she still had the freedom to do so before M.B.I came tracking her down and drag her back to the labs for future research.


And yet she still feels a lingering thought that keeps her still holding out, her desire to find her ashikabi. Broken or not she still felt that burning desire to find them, but how could she find one who would want her, she was broken unable to react to an ashikabi, any ashikabi for that matter so why should she try? Why would  she feel the need for one if she couldn't even have one, sadly she didn't have an answer to her own question. All she knows is that when the word gets out of her existence the ashikabi all over will try to find her and claim her as their own, whether they wanted the ice sekirei or not she figures they will take in for a time use her and be thrown away. She gazed at the moon, she narrowed her eyes in concentration. Akitsu began to remember what her adjusters were talking about, from what she overheard the inital reaction she would get from her ashikabi was destroyed. The connection was blocked for her so she couldn't feel it hence the seal on her forehead, but what she realized what they didn't say was that Akitsu trying to make the link herself to her ashikabi. Was it possible to cause the reaction herself rather than the normal way to her sisters, could she reach out with her own power to find the one she was meant to be with? Feeling redetermined she focused her power onto the moon, like how the moon reflects the sun's light she hopes her ashikabi would look up to the moon and feel her reaction. 

Akitsu:.....please let this work......please reveal ashikabi-sama.......

Shinto Teito airport-airplane

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