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People have walls

These walls keep emotions from showing

Of course walls crack and break

And when this happens emotions escape

My walls were intact when I met you

Whole and pure, practically brand new

But over time I realized

That my wall was starting to break

Little by little

Until emotions escaped

And even though you cracked my wall

You fixed it up to

But that doesn't mean it's all brand new

I try so hard

For you

Just so you can be proud

That you have a daughter

Just so I can call you my father

But all the pressure you put on me

Keeps making my wall crack and break

And now to many emotions

Are starting to escape

And even though you apologize

And hold me and say you care

That doesn't keep me from being scared

For I feel like you'll leave me one day

And then my wall will truly break

But what if I run before you do

I can build myself a new wall

All nice and brand new

You will be happy, and I will be safe

None of my emotions will constantly escape

Of course my wall will continue cracking

No wall remains untouched

And when it does crack, someone new will help me

Someone I truly love


A/N -Hi guys! First one is done! What did ya'll think? Lemme know in the comments!

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