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The difference between you and me

Is that you are strong

And I am weak

You take advantage of that strength

And I cower beneath you

It's pathetic

Everyone listens to you

When you say that you're the victim

They think you're weak

Boy are they wrong

You may look weak

But when people turn a blind eye

You become a monster

Weak people are the exact opposite

We act strong

Only until people turn a blind eye

Then we become our weak selves

While you're getting praised for trying

We're told to try harder

If only people really knew what's happening

I'll be waiting on that day

For people to realize who you truly are

Though it will probably never happen

If it ever does though

Be ready to keep your thoughts to yourself

Be ready to carry your burdens by yourself

Be ready to feel alone

Be ready to feel like your never enough

But most importantly...

Be ready for when the weak rise

Be ready to cower beneath us

Be ready to be scared

I hope you'll feel pathetic

I hope it hurts

Then you'll see...

What it's really like...

To be weak

- Willow

A/N -*sigh of relief* My dad almost caught me writing this one. I was a mini heart attack while he was questioning me. I've been thinking about making a book for my acrostic poems. But they're darker than these ones. Should I? Ya'll Should let me know.

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