Tune Into My Frequency

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Hey, reader.

Well, you may think this one's another story; it's not. I wish it was, but maybe one thing will lead to another and it will blossom into another story close to me, but it's not there yet. However I'm writing something differently this time, of course with relation to the one and only who I can never seem to escape— A+B. Though I feel something very strongly for the unknown of their story, I will try to separate that part in this writing as much as I can and rely on my findings which have lead me towards an interesting thread of thoughts and that now I find very worth sharing. And although I would like to lay it down with saying, 'This is not about the very special couple-not-so-couple,' it in the end is, as everything seems to always come down to. After all, this page is an ode to what was, what there is, what never was, and what could be. Or what always will be.

If you, reader, are an individual who considers yourself a hopeless romantic searching for signs that confirm something out there is untold between all that has been told, then you've landed to the correct place. Or perhaps you find interest in discovering meaning in something which gives you hope, comfort, or peace in what you believe in (might it even be totally unrelated to the subject), this one is for you.

It's a story, but I am not the author.

What I have here are thoughts. I might've had them for a very long time without knowing, and over the length of time they melded into feelings that became somehow imbedded in between the lines of my writing, the unfolding of these stories you know, and the inspiration that it derived as a result.

As it happens, a lot of time spent listening to music— the same artist, subject, genre, etc. means a lot of time is spent listening to the lyrics. Where one song ends and another one begins, specifically on an album, a full picture comes together the minute you piece it all together and you stumble into a narrative that you can't see in a different way. I doubt these songs were made to be works that are dissected and interpreted, but of course they would be. All works of art that are observed are studied. And however much the subjects may argue, 'We aren't so interesting at all,' you, me and the world know that they are. True reason maybe yet be uncovered, but wherever there is a story to tell, whatever it may be, it captures someone in an undefined way, and because of that, the story simply can't be forgotten.

Not to get sidetracked... Once again, not all songs are made to be interpreted. Interpretation is up to the viewer to take whatever they want from it, and just as the creator puts it out for their own personal purpose, the receiver accepts it for what they enjoy it for. But with every work of art, traces of the artist are left behind to be gathered like bits and pieces and it all becomes personal once it's recognized. With a very clever artist, they'll do an excellent job at hiding the parts they want. It's quite simple. Highlight the right parts of the song and then leave the minimal details which really tell the story to be overshadowed. Works even better the catchier it is. I suppose it'll take someone super analytical to find those treasures.

Who? Me? What makes you think that? You can be analytical too. That is perfectly okay.

I will say, I do find, like many forms of writing, that lyrics are often driven from inspiration and feeling, and are a form of expression, even if along the way it becomes more fictional and less literal. And adding to that, just because they are expressed does not mean they are current feelings, just ones that were real once upon a time. Everything that was once a part of us, still is a part of us. It doesn't just disappear. So, if these feelings were not real, the lyrics wouldn't have been written, or at least not expressed in the way they became penned.

My choice to begin this analytical lyrical observation was only made because my mind had made the connections to songs I have heard countless times, and then no longer could I ignore that, in fact, there may be something there unnoticed beneath beautiful melodies, enchanting voices, and catchy lyrics.

What happens when each song completes the other's storyline? What does it mean that conversations are made from one lyric in one song and then revisited in another? Could it be a coincidence that these songs overlap? Yes. Yes, it could be. I would say it is a coincidence, but only if the songs were written by different subjects. Truth is, they are not. We have the same subjects and the same story being replayed, rewritten, and revisited, again and again like a message waiting to be caught and a signal left behind to be picked up.

A sign doesn't mean that there is something, but that something's there. Something was. Something might still be. And being honest, if there wasn't this sense of feeling from you or me, then neither of us would be here.

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