Lisia's Soft-and-Fluffy Love [Pt.2]

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[Please read Part 1 if you haven't already]

As (Y/N) turned to leave, a bittersweet ache settled in his chest, the weight of Lisia's emotions palpable in her tear-filled eyes. Her voice echoed through the air, calling out his name, a desperate plea laden with unspoken emotions.

"(Y/N)!" Lisia's cry pierced the air, propelling her toward him with an urgency that mirrored her heart's turmoil. In a rush of emotion, she enveloped him in a hug that transcended any embrace they'd shared before. The softness of her clothes against his skin, coupled with the warmth of her hug, filled (Y/N)'s heart with an overwhelming rush of happiness.

"I don't want you to leave! I love you!" Lisia's confession hung in the air, her words fragile and raw with emotion. Her sudden admission of love spilled forth, her hands covering her mouth in a panic of realization.

But before Lisia could retract her words, (Y/N) silenced her with a tender kiss. "Lisia," he whispered, his voice brimming with affection, "I love you too."

Tears soaked (Y/N)'s shirt as Lisia clung to him desperately, the weight of their impending separation bearing down on them. "But I do have to go. I will see you soon though, I look forward to it." He gently kissed the top of her head, promising a future reunion.

Yet Lisia was unwilling to let go, her fingers intertwined with his, a playful stubbornness emerging. A soft chuckle escaped (Y/N)'s lips. "Come on, Lisia. I have to go now. My family is waiting for me!" His laughter filled the air, attempting to lighten the somber moment.

Her expression shifted, a pout forming on her lips. "No," she insisted with childish stubbornness, "You're too precious. I love you! Come here!" Lisia showered his face with playful kisses, unwilling to part with him just yet.

Their playful interaction carried a mix of longing and promise. Eventually, (Y/N) gently disentangled himself from her grasp, promising to return soon. Lisia watched with a bittersweet smile as he disappeared into the boarding area, her heart filled with a fervent hope for their reunion.

The echoes of their affection lingered in the air, a testament to a love that transcended distances, promising a future where they'd meet again.

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