Serena's Return [Pt.1]

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A crisp morning sun streamed through the arched windows of the champion's chamber, casting a golden hue across the spacious room. (Y/N), the newly crowned champion of Kalos, sat quietly by the grand marble desk, lost in thought. His gaze fixed on the distant horizon visible from the towering windows, the whispers of a year-long journey playing like a vivid memory in his mind.Within the tranquil sanctum, the air tingled with anticipation as the world awaited its next story. 

And just as the morning light danced around the room, a familiar presence stepped through the ornate doors, marking the arrival of an unexpected visitor—Serena.

Her arrival was a radiant burst of warmth and nostalgia. Serena had changed, blossoming into an ethereal beauty during her time away in the Galar region. As she stood before him, (Y/N)'s heart quickened its pace, a rush of emotions flooding in at the sight of his childhood friend transformed into an enchanting figure.

Serena's luminous smile illuminated the room as she dashed toward (Y/N) and embraced him tightly, igniting a rosy blush on his cheeks. "I missed you so much!" Serena's voice bubbled with happiness.

The embrace enveloped a moment of profound connection, both acknowledging the changes that time had etched upon them. "I missed you too," (Y/N) replied, his voice soft yet resonant with the depth of his feelings.

Their synchronized comment on each other's transformation elicited a shared chuckle, an unspoken acknowledgment of the stirring feelings between them.

Interrupting the silence, (Y/N) fired a barrage of questions, eager to catch up and understand Serena's journey. But Serena, brimming with curiosity and excitement, seized his hand, steering the conversation toward a different direction, her suggestion hanging in the air like a promise of cherished memories.

"How about we go get a hot drink and talk about it at the park that we always used to go to as kids?" Her words carried a nostalgic allure, a bridge between their past and the possibilities of the present.

The room held its breath, the soft morning light casting a gentle glow around the pair, as they stood on the brink of a moment that could reshape the chapters of their intertwined lives.And with Serena's suggestion lingering in the air, the quiet excitement of rekindled friendship and perhaps something more lingered between them, like the calm before a beautiful storm.

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