Cam's POV

Life throws things at you all the time, but tonight life threw me a bone. This was going to be interesting.

The man standing before me was actually a senior at my school named Lawton Daniels. He was actually quite popular even if he didn't want to be. He was the quote unquote 'bad boy' of the school. Not those cliché 'I sleep around and have a motorcycle' type of bad boy, more like the 'I run drugs and break the law in my free time' type. People were afraid of him to say the least. Despite that, a lot of girls had a crush on him because they wanted to be the one to change him. It sucks for them though, because I doubt he's the type to change.

The look on his face looked exasperated, like he was annoyed that I had caught him steal my purse. There wasn't even a hint of regret in his large brown eyes, just a flash of irritation that he had gotten caught.

I must've stood there with my mouth open for a bit too long because with a roll of his eyes he started walking away.

"HALT!" I barked at him. He didn't even look back at me; he just kept walking. This time I was the one who was irritated.

"If you don't stop, I'm calling the police."

That definitely caught his attention because he stopped mid-step and turned around to look at me with an annoyed expression.

I slipped my heels back on that were still clutched in my hands and made my way over to him. "You see that," I said pointing at my poor purse which was still sitting in its pile of whatever-the-fuck, "pay me back."

"Fine," he grumbled, "there was like 100 dollars in there. I'll pay you back." He was about to turn around and leave, but I caught his arm. I was almost about to laugh, "100 dollars? Hunny, that 100 dollars cash was the cheapest thing in my purse. My phone cost 700 dollars, my touch up makeup costs 200 dollars, and let's not even mention that the purse itself costs 3000."

"So in total you owe me.." I bit lip trying to do the math in my head, which much to my embarrassment took longer than I'd like to admit, "$4000."

I could see Lawton's jaw tense as he heard 4000 dollars pass my lips. "I don't have that type of money," he said in his deep voice. Now I could see a flash of regret pass his face, but I knew it was because he was caught and was expected to pay me back, not because he regretted stealing my purse.

I fake pouted, "that is unfortunate." Lawton looked like he was close to ripping my head off my body, but he wasn't a murderer. Right? I took a step back just in case.

"You stole my purse. I want to be paid back. But you don't have the money. See, that's a problem," I mused as I walked around him back to the entrance of the alleyway, "but of course I am a saint, so I'll let you pay back your debt to me another way."

"How?" Lawton asked, looking at me suspiciously.

"You know, I've always wanted someone who'd do my bidding and is always at my beck and call. You can be my... little minion." With that I patted his shoulder and made my way out of the alleyway. I didn't have to look back to see him grind his teeth at the nickname I had given him.

I stopped just at the entry of the alleyway and looked back at him, "oh and if you don't want to do this then I can save us both the time and just call the cops."

He glared at me, and I smirked back. This was definitely going to be interesting.


I was late. That was painfully obvious but I don't think anything is worth having the punishment that I'm going through right now. I sat in the middle of the luxury sedan that Burt was driving. I sat squished in between my brooding father and my dad's overly sweet girlfriend that he didn't think to tell me about.

The Bad Boy's DebtWhere stories live. Discover now