Cam's POV

"You can't be serious."

I stared at the amusement park in front of me in shock. If he thought loud rides and puking children were better than some retail therapy he was dead wrong.

"Stop being an ass and come on," he said as he started walking towards the gate.

Not only did I let him drive my car, but I was essentially taking $400 off his debt to ride some roller coasters. I'm not going to lie I've never been on a roller coaster and I would like to keep it that way.

"Minion, I'm not too sure. Can we just go to the mall?" I whined as I stepped back towards my car.

"You're that much of a pussy?" He said as he stopped in his tracks and turned around.

A feeling of indignation flared up within me, "no I'm not!"

Yes I was, but he didn't need to know that.

I continued talking hoping to distract him as I inched back towards the car, "And you know what. I think it's quite sexist to say 'pussy' when you mean a coward. I get why we call people dicks cause men are rude and horrible. But why-"

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I'd rather go back to school than listen to you right now."

I pursed my lips in annoyance and marched ahead of him, "fine! Let's go."

"This way," he said, gesturing to the left.

"What? The entrance is that way," I replied back pointing at the area where the ticketing booths were and where all the school buses were lined up. It seems as if we came the one day the middle schools were doing their field trip.

"I know a way to get in for free." He started walking not even bothering to look back and see if I was following him.

I rolled my eyes and quickly ran after him. We ended up near a tall fence that seemed to encompass the whole park. This side specifically seemed pretty empty, because from what I could see it was just a bunch of tents that probably had carnival games. Knowing grubby little middle schoolers, they were here to go on puke inducing roller coasters not play the ring toss.

"Ok we just have to jump the fence," he said, acting like it was the easiest thing in the world.

I looked at him and then down to my heels, "you want me to jump?"

He let out a huff as if it wasn't his fault we came here. "Here, I'll give you a boost."

I looked at him skeptically, but I felt like if I made anymore complaints he would steal my car and leave me stranded.

I nodded and got near the edge of the fence. He crouched down and lifted me up a good two feet. My hands managed to grip the top of the fence, but that's where it all went downhill.

He didn't expect me to pull myself up right?

"Ok, now pull yourself up."

Of course.

"Minion. You do know I've never done a pull up in my life right?"

"For fucks sake," he muttered. He used his hands to basically boost my feet up, which helped me scramble the few remaining inches on top of the fence.

I finally sat on top of the fence letting out a sigh of relief.

Lawton quickly scaled the fence and jumped down onto the other side. I stared down at him with my jaw hanging open at how fast he just did that.

"Why are you taking forever? Hurry and jump down," Lawton huffed.

I eyed the jump, it was more than I expected. "Uh, I don't know if I can jump. I'm scared!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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