Part 4

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Flashback to how Arnav and Khushi's love story began

A petite girl walked into the campus, afraid of how college life will be. It was her induction today. She just hoped that everything goes on well for her as she is a walking hazard as proclaimed by her Buaji and Jiji. She finally found her batchmates and tried to talk to some of them.

"Hey! What's your name?"

"I'm Khushi. Khushi Kumari Gupta." answered the petit girl timidly.

Fast forward to when Khushi and Arnav met
"Now your seniors will give you a tour of the campus and where your classes will take place. Follow them and be with them. You'll also see your professors around." announced the Dean.

As we were walking around, Khushi saw a tall and handsome guy with the group of seniors. " Ohh so he is Arnav, my senior" thought Khushi.

By the end of the day, the seniors created a social media group and exchanged numbers so the juniors could contact the seniors for any problem.

First Semester
Arnav and Khushi barely met each other. Khushi was very serious about her studies. She didn't have any friends from her batch. She felt they were too competitive and jealous. Just not her type. So she preferred to be alone.

Second Semester
Khushi was at ease on Campus. She didn't have friends but she was happy. She was one of the best students from her cohort. Little did she know that her life was about to change in few days, weeks, months and years.

One day when she was walking on Campus, she saw a huge dog. Did I tell you, she was terribly scared of dogs. As she looked for a way to escape from there, she unknowingly bumped into a guy.

"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I didn't see you. I'm damn scared of dogs. Please stay with me till it goes." squealed Khushi not knowing who she was blabbering to.

"It's okay. Come with me. The dog will not follow you. Relax." said the unknown person.

As she heard the soft and husky voice, Khushi raised her head and looked at the guy. It was Arnav. She was slightly embarassed that she made a fool out of herself infront of him. But Arnav was a gentleman. He didn't make fun of her. He simply protected her.

The same day when they went home, she got a message from Arnav.

"Miss Petite, I'll always be here to protect you from all dogs😉 - Arnav"

From then on started their friendship. Everyday started with their chats. Soon after few months, Arnav proposed Khushi to be his girlfriend. After few more months, they got secretly engaged. They kept getting closer and closer. Khushi saw her whole life in Arnav. She always ignored everything that could cause a problem between them. She always apologized in every fight even when she wasn't at fault. Arnav slept early everyday while Khushi kept waiting for him but she never said anything.

Just like that a year passed by. Arnav was now in his last semester. He was very busy with his Research Projects and assignments. He left Khushi waiting for him all the time. She was hurt but she stayed quiet. He cancelled dates at the last minute. He was always tired. Then Arnav graduated. Khushi thought atleast now he will have time for her but did it happen? No. Arnav soon got a job in a small company. He barely sent 4 to 5 msgs per day. He wished Khushi late for her birthday. He never called her. They didn't meet until his birthday where Khushi planned a surprise for Arnav but he wanted to go elsewhere. Surprise cancelled. Then Arnav got a job in a big company. Obviously Arnav didn't have time at all for Khushi. She kept waiting for him.

Then Khushi graduated. Arnav didn't come for her graduation. 6 years passed like that where their relationship was mostly based on texting each other. Khushi followed her dream of being a Professor and Arnav founded his own business - AR Designs. They barely met few times a year, called each other few times a year.

Khushi was so hurt but she didn't let that affect her love for Arnav. Whenever they met, Arnav was the most polite and gentle man to her. The occasional meets, the gentle makeouts, the passionate kisses, the possessiveness, the occasional phone calls. Everything screamed of his love for her. But she also understood that time was the only problem between them. Arnav was creating a secured life for them.

Arnav felt so lucky that he has such an understanding girlfriend for himself. He loved his Khushi dearly but he also had his own dreams. He wanted to have his own fashion house. He wanted to be a powerful man. But he forgot everything comes at a cost. While he was conqering the world, he left an innocent soul behind. A soul who craved for his time and attention. He didn't make time for her and he expected her to understand him which she did.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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