Appearing as fast as lightning

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talking: " "

thoughts: ' '


As the half destroyed moon shines down it's moonlight on vale, in a small corner of vale, a heist was in session. Inside a plain old warehouse near the port, which for some reason, was stacked to the brim with dust and lien, while men dressed in fitted tuxedos were shoving all the resources that were in the warehouse into their duffle bags.

One of the men, clearly the leader of this operation, said with a stern tone.

Criminal leader: "Cops are gonna be here soon, our getaway vehicle is that boat parked at the at warehouse 67, we'll leave by sea."

Criminal one: "Ya know? I wonder why Roman needs all this dust, even going so far as to hire some of Junior's men, heard they were a lacking bunch."

Criminal 2: "We don't get paid for thinking John."

Criminal 1 'John': "Right..."

Criminal 3: "That's the last bag, drinks' on me after this!"

As the criminals started to transport the the bags that oozed money, as blaring siren alerted all the of the men, signaling them to get on the speed boat. It was unexcepted for the police to arrive so soon, seeing that the men hurriedly scattered onto the boat, perhaps another heist happened on the other side of vale, causing the police to be more alert for the night. One of the police officers put a megaphone near his mouth before opening it...

Police officer: "This is the police, put your hands into the air or we will open fire!"

???: "There's no need for that, officer."

The police officer looked behind him, and saw a cyan-haired boy, couldn't be more than 16 years old, with disheveled hair tied with two knots, as if a novice just started hair braiding, white clothing including a large robe with a scrunched collar and matching pants and shoes, though his most particular feature was  the lightning-shaped lines connected to the bottom of his eyelids.

???: "Let him do as he pleases."

The man who permitted the boy to do whatever, was none other than the chief of Vale's police station, a man in his fifties, wearing a trench coat.

Police officer: "But sir..."

Chief: "Trust me, plus, he'll handle those goons better than us, because he's a huntsman in training."

After making that statement, the officer of lower ranking steps down, allowing the cyan-haired boy to make his appearance.

Chief: "Now Y/N,  don't destroy the boat, belongs to a noble,  else I'd have to write another letter."

Y/N: "You got it."

Y/N starts stretching, before making a dash towards the speed boat, the aura encapsulating Y/N starts to get electrified, the electricity emitted by Y/N starts scattering around, creating an alluring yet obviously dangerous scenery, the lighting jumping and moving from the ground, as if it's praying for a way to transfer all the built up energy. Y/N grants that by focusing a large amount of aura into his legs, and then making a huge leap, causing a small crater with a spider-web like design.

Criminal leader: "They won't fire at us, the resources on the boat are to useful to be sunken, plus that the place we've robbed specifically belonged to the Schnees."

Criminal one 'John' : "Well, at least Roman's good at planning."

Y/N: "Oh Roman! He and I go way back."

Y/N abruptly chimes in, crouching down on the speed boat, the entire gang looks his way, shocked by how someone other than a huntsman could reach here. The crew grabs their guns and swords and started swinging at Y/N.

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